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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Tampa FL
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  1. I’m not sure GC is an option for a few reasons. In order for it to be approved you would need to move to the USA and live here. Proof of domicile is required . And for your wife’s GC not to be cancelled, she would need to actually live in the USA. none of which you said you wanted. you may be correct, it’s not only not worth while but it is not plausible. Maybe, down the road, if you decide to move to the USA… good luck with your journey
  2. Immigration is actually straightforward. There are certain types of visas, backed up by rules and regulations. it is not a game of “how to circumvent the rules “. quite simple. your father has 2 options: 1. get a tourist visa also know as a B1/B2 visitor visa. He is applying on his own (as mentioned quite a few times before) and your approval is irrelevant 2. You apply for him to become a green card holder. That process also comes with its own rules as to how to keep the status once one is granted your brother 1 apply for a tourist visa on his own merit. Your approval irrelevant 2. you apply for his immigration visa and he gets in a 20+ years queue Appreciate help you are getting from all this awesome VJ people, who are only trying to help…after all that’s why you posted your question here…also familiarizing yourself with the immigration ABC’s will help so you wouldn’t feel attacked but will recognize help when help is offered. good luck on your journey!
  3. A tourist visa has completely different requirements and criteria. neither has anything to do with the officer conducting an interview. I had quite a few tourists visa interviews and all required documentation - letter from the company I worked for, salary, number of vacation days, financial statements, proof of ownership (I provided car, home)… i uploaded everything ahead of time and brought the originals to the interview. I had my planned vacation agenda as well. every time before the interview started I was asked if I preferred the interview in English or my native language. In case assistance is needed, they have native speakers working and assisting the officer. Assistance was always offered. I witnessed a few instances where a brother got approved and sister wasn’t even though they provided the same documents, travelled together too. Tourist visa is issued on individual circumstances and documents provided. There are also countries that made that process more difficult because of visa abuse. you are grasping at straws. your MIL should not be helping your wife with the baby. That’s considered working.
  4. His last step (of this part of the immigration process) of visa approval/denial is the interview at his local American embassy. NO1 and NOA2 are steps leading to the interview and will not interfere with the process. good luck on your journey!!
  5. Food for thought…immigration is not an easy or a short process..detailed records of every exit and entry back to the United States is important. Also, being out of the country pushes naturalization eligibility - in your case for years…
  6. What that means is that you have to have a green card or have a work visa. Tourist visa is not eligible for work
  7. Just make sure you are taking the right expiration date when calculating the stay in Honduras. what I believe others tried to explain. K1 visa will have an expiration date but the right date to start the countdown is the date on the medical. sometimes medical is done months before and that date trumps the visa date and shaves time of the K1 visa expiration.
  8. Out of curiosity…why do you have to wait for day 85? Why can’t you marry earlier and avoid all the stress? It’s quite obvious you are going to marry 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. Don’t overthink it girl! It’s an in and out thing, especially if you’re comfortable with the civics test and the case is straightforward… good luck 🍀
  10. How in the Gods name do you think of hiding something like that? And especially from a person who you love? Are you aware that you will have to have health insurance in the USA? You are aware that you will not be able to work for a significant period of time thus not being able to see a doctor without your partners insurance??? How would you explain to your partner that you need to see a doctor every 3 months? What if he had issues with it? I’m lost for words!!!
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