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Posts posted by aj1

  1. IN the packet 3 is:

    The checklists, for the medical.

    A letter stating what you need to do now.

    The form to fill in and send back to the Consulate, saying you have all the required documents needed for the interview.

    Thank you for answering my question and good luck to you!!!!!

  2. Not it states the approval has been mailed to n=me on the July 3, maybe in the mailbox today.

    Also I have not heard of any I129F from VT transferred to CA?

    You do know that we're all stalking your timeline, right? :P

    LOL I hope yours follows suit.

    Not it states the approval has been mailed to n=me on the July 3, maybe in the mailbox today.

    Also I have not heard of any I129F from VT transferred to CA?

    You do know that we're all stalking your timeline, right? :P

    June and July have been non stop touches for me dont know why ...but certainly not complaining. However I think my real wait is to come. There is a long line from what I hear to get an interview in Manila

    I was only asking a question i am very happy that my finacee petition is in Vermont you all have to understand this is new to me so it was just a question only now i know the answer. Just like everyone else i want to make sure i am gettng the correst info. But the good news is i recieved my RFE from my lawyer today and i sent it back today. Hopefully i am 1 step closer to my finacee getting here. Thanks for all reply


  3. Be happy you're in Vermont... they're still processing faster than anyone else.

    If and your attorney have no notification about a transfer, and the USCIS is confirming that you are still in Vermont, then stop second guessing yourself.

    Or get a new attorney who won't lead you astray.

    I know i need a new attorney for sure most if not all the info i found out i found on here on just doing some of my own research. I am not second guessing myself i just need to know what is going on in this situation. i am happy that it is in Vermont hopefully i don't get transferred but we'll see.


  4. I called the immigration today to get my receipt date number so i konw when i can keep track of my process times and she told me that my fiancee case has being handled in the Vermont Service Center i thought it was being handles in California, that is what my lawyer told me. I will have to adress him about this. But anyway she told me that there is nothing posted in the system saying my case is being transfered to California. However i see alot of people on this site getting transfereed from Vermont to Caliifornia. I received my RFE on June 30th. So my question is if my case was getting transfered to California would that have happend when i got my RFE or could it happy at anytime. I recieved nothing about a tranfer nor did my lawyer. But immigrations says they don't see where it is going to be transfered so i am confused here any ideas would help thanks.


  5. Hello Friends,

    I am planning to start the application to bring my fiancee here from France.

    What is the first form I need to complete?

    I think that this website will be a great help, from what I have seen so far.

    Many Thanks,


    You will first need to get the G325 for you and your fiancee which is called the biographic form. And then you will need to get the I129F this is the form which is called the Petition for Alien Fiancee. After you get these forms make sure you fill them out correctly and efficiently. When you submit these forms to your nearest immigration office ( there are 5 processing centers you need to find out which one yours is) you will then need also to submit with these forms the following.

    1. 2 rescent passport size pictures with white background or a clear background.

    2. proof that you have met your fiancee in France within the past 2 years. Examples of this would be your

    Itinerary of your flight, your flight ticket, pictures of the 2 of you together.

    3. copy of your birth certificate

    4. if you were previously married or if he was you need to show proof of your original divorce papers.

    5. A colot photocopy of your entry/ departure of your trip to your fiancee ( this is also proof of visiting him)

    Once you have all this then you submit all this information along with the G325A, and the I129F and a check for the fee amount to process the papers i am not sure what the amount is for the processing but you must include that. If you need further information you can log under the website it will give you these forms i mentioned to download and any other information you might need www.uscis.gov i hope this helps good luck with your journey it will take some time to complete just be patient and hang in there. This site is really helpful good luck!!!!!

  6. I cant believe it. Look at my signiture the timeline. I must have done something right or just lucky.

    Or there must be an angel with a smile on her face. :yes:

    Well, as I am sure most people know, Vermont was much faster before the fiasco with the I-129f and all the RFE's. It is not unreasonable to assume that they will handle the RFE's post IMBRA faster then the other service centers because they are, apparantly, the most efficient of the service centers.

    I'm sure CSC will come around shortly though.


  7. Good Morning everyone.

    I would like to know what does NOA and RFE stands for and why there is NOA1 and NOA2. What is 'touched" mean?

    thank you very much.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 1 ( NOA) that means that the immigration has recieved your case and have submitted to you a letter which is called the NOTICE OF ACTION which will give you your reciept number for your case and they also inform you on this form about the net few steps in the process.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 2 ( NOA2) this is the second document that you will recieve from immigration saying that your case for which ever petion you are applyinf for has been approved.

    TOUCH this means that different people at the immigration have reviewed your imformation or your file for your particular case ( I am not sure if you are applying for k1, k3 , or adjustment of status).

    you can go on the uscis.gov website to register if you know your reciept number which will be on the top left corner of your paper this number you will need to type in to register once you register uscic ( immigration) will notify you by email of your progress with your case. I hope this helps you

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    Thank you very much everyone for the answers


  8. I have become a new member about 1 week ago, and i searched alot online to just find people who was experiencing the same as myself with the harsh reality of trying so hard to be with someone you love so much. And it is so amazing to me to see so many people on this site are going through the same as me. And we are all going through it together. I just want to say i really admire all of us who have to endure so much pain and go to so many measure to be with the people we love so much. I know that everyone on this site truly knows what the word LOVE really means. And all of us may have different cases that we are filing but one thing is for sure we all have the same goal, and that is to do whatever it takes to be with the ones we love and have them with us in the end to just live a happy life forever. And our fiance, fiancee, and husbands, and wife over sees or in another country are also doing the same as we are just to get to there loved ones as well. This site has showed me truly that there are people out in the world who really know how to love and know what love is all about. And i wish everyone including myself much success in this whole process because although the waiting is SO HARD!! in the end its all worth it when you can wake up to your loved one in the morning, and lay down with them at night. Good luck to you all and i truly wish the best for all of us on this long journey to happiness. And congratulations!!! to all who have been approved.


    aj1 ( Jennifer)

  9. Good Morning everyone.

    I would like to know what does NOA and RFE stands for and why there is NOA1 and NOA2. What is 'touched" mean?

    thank you very much.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 1 ( NOA) that means that the immigration has recieved your case and have submitted to you a letter which is called the NOTICE OF ACTION which will give you your reciept number for your case and they also inform you on this form about the net few steps in the process.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 2 ( NOA2) this is the second document that you will recieve from immigration saying that your case for which ever petion you are applyinf for has been approved.

    TOUCH this means that different people at the immigration have reviewed your imformation or your file for your particular case ( I am not sure if you are applying for k1, k3 , or adjustment of status).

    you can go on the uscis.gov website to register if you know your reciept number which will be on the top left corner of your paper this number you will need to type in to register once you register uscic ( immigration) will notify you by email of your progress with your case. I hope this helps you

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    Good Morning everyone.

    I would like to know what does NOA and RFE stands for and why there is NOA1 and NOA2. What is 'touched" mean?

    thank you very much.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 1 ( NOA) that means that the immigration has recieved your case and have submitted to you a letter which is called the NOTICE OF ACTION which will give you your reciept number for your case and they also inform you on this form about the net few steps in the process.

    NOTICE OF ACTION 2 ( NOA2) this is the second document that you will recieve from immigration saying that your case for which ever petion you are applyinf for has been approved.

    TOUCH this means that different people at the immigration have reviewed your imformation or your file for your particular case ( I am not sure if you are applying for k1, k3 , or adjustment of status).

    you can go on the uscis.gov website to register if you know your reciept number which will be on the top left corner of your paper this number you will need to type in to register once you register uscic ( immigration) will notify you by email of your progress with your case. I hope this helps you

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    I also forgot to add

    REQUEST FURTHER EVIDENCE (RFE) meaning immigration will send you this letter after you recieve your NOA1 to let you know if they need more information on your case.


  10. I only have one month left in my approved time for the fiance visa. My fiance has not yet received an interview date. Do I need to request that the approval time be extended. Help! I am tired of waiting and certainly don't want to start the process all over again because everything is not complete within the approval time. Any suggestion ? ? ?

    I actually have a question for you. I was interested in knowing your timelines if you don't mind sharing with me because my fiance is in Egypt also and i am going through the CSC also so i just wanted to know how long it took for the whole process for you to get to the piont of him getting an interview. If you can let me know thank you.


  11. I would like to know people's experience with recieving the NOA2 after you have recieved and submitted the RFE? If anyone would like to share there experience i would appreciate it. I currently just recieved my RFE from CSC on June 28th i have to send it back to CSC. My lawyer informed me that it would not hold up the process i am not sure if that is true or not. So anyone's experience with this matter would be appreciated thank you.


  12. Me and my fiance have a lawyer he submitted our I129f on May 11, 2006 recieved date was on May 16th i thought it was supposed to take 30 days (business days) to get a response but nothing yet. It is at the CSC so i know we have a long wait but i don't think it should have taken this long just to recieve a NOA1 most posts that i have read here people are recieving them in about 1-3 weeks so i have no idea what's going on. I contacted my lawyer he has not recieved anything either. No point in calling immigration because they will not tell you anything, besides that is our lawyers job to do that. Also i would like to now some people's experience from CSC and how long the fiancee visa process takes. My fiancee is from Egypt so i expect a much longer wait helpful experience advice would be appreciated. I will keep you posted if anything changes thank you. And good luck to everyone i know all this waiting is agonizing pain but at least i know there are people out there who are going through the same and to me and my love its hard but in the end if he gets approved i know the wait is worth it. I have seen him in 5 months and we have been together for 1 year so i miss him alot. Good Luck!! to everyone we will all get through it.


    Did you pay with a personal check? If so, can you get ahold of the check and find out if it's been cashed or not?

    Me and my fiance have a lawyer he submitted our I129f on May 11, 2006 recieved date was on May 16th i thought it was supposed to take 30 days (business days) to get a response but nothing yet. It is at the CSC so i know we have a long wait but i don't think it should have taken this long just to recieve a NOA1 most posts that i have read here people are recieving them in about 1-3 weeks so i have no idea what's going on. I contacted my lawyer he has not recieved anything either. No point in calling immigration because they will not tell you anything, besides that is our lawyers job to do that. Also i would like to now some people's experience from CSC and how long the fiancee visa process takes. My fiancee is from Egypt so i expect a much longer wait helpful experience advice would be appreciated. I will keep you posted if anything changes thank you. And good luck to everyone i know all this waiting is agonizing pain but at least i know there are people out there who are going through the same and to me and my love its hard but in the end if he gets approved i know the wait is worth it. I have seen him in 5 months and we have been together for 1 year so i miss him alot. Good Luck!! to everyone we will all get through it.


    Did you pay with a personal check? If so, can you get ahold of the check and find out if it's been cashed or not?

    His uncle payed everything i will find that you thank you for your response

  13. Me and my fiance have a lawyer he submitted our I129f on May 11, 2006 recieved date was on May 16th i thought it was supposed to take 30 days (business days) to get a response but nothing yet. It is at the CSC so i know we have a long wait but i don't think it should have taken this long just to recieve a NOA1 most posts that i have read here people are recieving them in about 1-3 weeks so i have no idea what's going on. I contacted my lawyer he has not recieved anything either. No point in calling immigration because they will not tell you anything, besides that is our lawyers job to do that. Also i would like to now some people's experience from CSC and how long the fiancee visa process takes. My fiancee is from Egypt so i expect a much longer wait helpful experience advice would be appreciated. I will keep you posted if anything changes thank you. And good luck to everyone i know all this waiting is agonizing pain but at least i know there are people out there who are going through the same and to me and my love its hard but in the end if he gets approved i know the wait is worth it. I have seen him in 5 months and we have been together for 1 year so i miss him alot. Good Luck!! to everyone we will all get through it.


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