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Posts posted by aj1

  1. Oh boy do i remember those emails from the Embassy. It means you will be waiting on A/P. As the others stated just try to be patient i know its really hard but i would email them at least 2 times a month to see what is going on and get updates on your case. Cairo unless they have changed is known to be slower than most Embassy's . I pray that you will get your Visa soon. Hang in there its on its way! :thumbs:


  2. My husband and i are just as romantic with each other as the same when he was away actually even more. He is so helpful around the house, and with my girls. He calls me everyday when im not at home and leaves me voice messages saying he loves me, and he still makes pictures for me on the computer, we watch movies together all the time, take walks together, go the park we do alot of things he is very romantic but in different ways. I do agree with some of the others i think its just a matter of the individual. :yes:


  3. My husband is adjusting much better than i thought he would. The hardest part honestly is the work because he wants to work so bad. Which takes time. He calls his family at least 1 time a week to see how they are doing. I am teaching how to drive now, and he is getting better with going in the stores alone, and talking to more people. When he first got here he was uncomfortable talking to anyone because of his English he thought no one could understand him but his English has improved alot. The key is to be very patient with them , and be prepared to answer tons of questions! Other than that he is doing just fine, and i love married life.


  4. Hello everyone its been such a long time since i have been on V.J. How is everyone doing? Are you all ready for Thanksgiving! I am not yet. I had to get back surgery and it left me so sick for almost 3 months now and i have to go back to get surgery again so everyone keep me in your prayers. I hope you are all doing well. Me and my husband are doing great he has been here since June 24. We filed for his AOS papers last month and he is gong Thursday to do his Biometrics so things are going great we are truly happy!! To every one still waiting it is so worth the wait when they get here. It takes time adjusting to life here so take advice on here because its true but in the end patience is key. Always remember to work as hard keeping your love when they arrive just as hard as you did getting them here. Don't worry or get angry over little things, and always remeber what it took to get them here just love each other and enjoy your new life together once they arrive! I missed you guys alot just wanted to say hi. To all those waiting I wish you all the best and a speedy Visa process! You will make it Don't Give Up!


  5. I think we can all relate to you in some way. I understand how you feel this whole process can make anyone go absolutely crazy! But after the interveiw things should calm down some because at least that is one step closer you will be in your love getting his Visa and don't worry hun things will all work out in the end. I will say a prayer for you both (F) Hang in there sweety it will be ok.


  6. Goodmorning everyone! I know its been awhile since i have posted i have been bed bown for the past 2 weeks and i have 4 more weeks to go due to lower back surgery . I had to get one of my Disc removed in my lower back i also damaged my siatic nerve in my left leg so i have a limp now until i get therapy so keep me all in your prayers. I hope veryone has a beautiful and blessed day missed you guys. (F)


  7. As everyone had mentioned it truly is an adjustment on both sides and you need lots of patience to get through it and you will. My husband got here about 1 month ago so i understand how you feel but i don't worry about the small things mostly i just happy that he is hear with me and i always remember how long, and hard it took for us to get to this point we waited so long to be together so i always look at it this way if we got through that we can, and will get through anything else for sure. I hope this helps you and you know we all understand how you feel we have all went through it before i will pray for you that got give you balance and strength to get through this time and you will hun you will see. Enjoy each other because now you both earned it!

    AJ1 (L)

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