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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
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  1. Hi Daphne: That's helpful information. We last saw eachother 8 months ago, and we are planning on filing the form soon. Thanks!
  2. Hi Mallorycat: How's everything? So lets say I did what you wrote above and submitted my Fiance Visa application to USCIS in December 2024 and the interview at the embassy occurs in December 2025. If that's the case, will the Embassy and USCIS accept this meeting as meeting the requirements? Or would the embassy have a problem, because by then the photos are 3 years old?
  3. I have a question about the K1 Visa 2 year rule for meeting the fiance in theoir country. If the 2 meet; how long later do they have to submit the Visa application? Is the 2 years counted as the date the application is submitted, or the date it arrives at the embassy? Thanks,
  4. Does anyone know of what difference it makes if your potential fiance' has a child? If so, does the child go to the interview too? Any other difficulties? Do I file a petition just with the fiance' visa and just add the child's name and information? Thanks, Chris
  5. To whom it may concern: I have my girlfriend in Belarus, and I have questions about the K-1 Fiance Visa for Belarus for future reference. Does anyone know since the US Embassy is now closed in Belarus how this works where my girlfriend, (soon to be fiance'), would get notice to go to Poland for the interview? Also is it difficult to get a Fiance Visa in Poland for a woman from Belarus? Does it take long? Thanks, Chris
  6. Yes, I know documents need to be translated, otherwise I would not have asked this question. I said what documents need to be translated and brought to the embassy? Thanks,
  7. Hello Folks: Just a question. My Fiance' and I are working on a K-1 Visa. Does anyone know what original documents she will need to get translated when we apply for it? Thanks, Chris
  8. Hello Folks: I happen to have a Fiance' Visa I have started. Being a resourceful entrepreneur; I was thinking of renting a room out in my house to a single lady in order to earn a bit of extra pocket change. In anybody's opinion; is this a bad idea, which could come under scrutiny by USCIS or the US Embassy and impact an applicants Fiance' Visa? Thanks Mr. Chris
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