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About Lenhey

  • Birthday 08/28/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Sioux City
  • State

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Local Office
    Chicago IL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My husband and I met online 2013. We had a lot in common and we hit it off right away. He knew a bit of Swedish since he had gone to school over here as an exchange student at one point. We talked every day on Skype and sent tons of e-mails :). We decided that we wanted to meet and I got a ticket to go visit him during my vacation the summer of 2014. Unfortunately 1 month prior to my departure I had a blood clot in my leg and couldn´t travel. We continued to talk every day and he one day decided to come over :). He came over twice 2014 and the second time he proposed <3 :D . We started planning the wedding and talking about where we should live. If he should move over here or if I should move over to the US. Since my husband is a disabled veteran we decided that it would be best if I moved over there so that he could get the medical care that he would need. We got married May 2015 here in Sweden and went to Tenerif on our honeymoon. He stayed in Sweden for about a month after our wedding. We applied for the I-130 in July that same year. I went over on vacation that same summer. This was my second time in the US, the first was christmas 2014 to meet his family. Everything went smoothly with the visa until after I had sent in all required documents to NVC. They somehow lost my birth- and marriage certificate or didn´t read it properly so we had to have our case under supervisor review. At this point we also contacted a Senator because we thought we had been treated wrong. We eventually got our case completed thanks to the Senator. We recieved word on June 10th that the finally got an interview date for July 19th :). Once I knew the Embassy had recieved the case, I sent an e-mail with an expedite request. The embassy answered that they were aware of our case but that they couldn´t give us an earlier date. So what we had o do was wait. In the mean time I have collected all required documents for the interview and I´m now all set and ready. All that´s left to do now is to spend time with friends and family as much as possible :).
    On July 19th I had my Interview at the embassy in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a really good experience. The personal were friendly and the process went fast. I had an oppointment for 8.30 but was there by 7.45 and came out agaon around 8.10. The guy I got to talk to just asked me to tell him our story and he just asked questions to clarify. He said that it was approved, BUT before they could send me my visa they needed my husbands (USC) old divorce decree. It wasn´t mentioned in the e-mail so I didn´t have it. But that´s an easy fix and it will just delay my visa for about a week since my husband first had to order a certified copy from the court house in a different state. My husband ordered the document needed on July 19th, recieved it on July 22nd and sent it with express mail directly to the embassy in Sweden. The embassy recieved it on July 26th 9am and they issued my visa around 2pm the same day :D. Will be continued :)

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