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Everything posted by VIP_LadyLuck

  1. 10 year GC valid through 2034 received as of 9/8/2024. No RFE, they reused my old biometrics. I was preoccupied with my new job so I kinda pushed this gc worries on the side so I was thrilled when I got my gc in the mail. When I filed ROC, I sent all joint tax returns, copy of home & auto insurance with both of our names listed on the policies, copy of FB posts/viber/text messages, our photos including with family and friends - 1 page per month, copy of mails/cards fr family and friends, copy of insurance cards with our names and copy of life insurance from our work showing we are the beneficiaries for each policy. No kids but have 2 cats, 7 hens, 8 kois, 3 plecos. an albino cory cat and gazillion plants.
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