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    Naturalization (approved)
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    Texas Service Center
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  1. I know u dont know me i was reading ur post and wanted to tell u im sorry ur going through this if u need to talk feel free to contact me

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    2. shayma


      Ur so welcome i mean everything i say and please dont feel like ur rainig on my sunshine im the one that contacted u and im willing to help in anyway i can we are all human and should be there for one another so please feel free to contact me i tried to inbox u my number but it said ur inbox was full

    3. BarbSami


      You are going to make me cry, I'm very touched at your willingly to help me and If this world had more people like you in it, God world would be awesome. Thank You for your concern. Barbara

    4. shayma


      Ur welcome Barbara i mean every word of it u can contact me any time. Shayma

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