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  • Gender
  • City
    Salt Lake City
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Oath ceremony scheduled for 10/25!
  2. Just got back from USCIS. I was in and out in about 20 minutes. The whole process was very smooth. It was honestly a blur, so I can't remember what civics questions I was asked, but the officer started with those, before we moved to the reading and writing part of the test. After this, he reviewed my demographic information and asked me to confirm that I would be prepared to take the oath. After a few clicks on his computer he printed my recommendation for approval and told me to expect notification of oath ceremony in about 4 weeks. I'm so happy and relieved! I'm incredibly grateful to everyone on this forum and this website for helping me through this process. Good luck to everybody who has their interviews coming up soon!
  3. That's a relief! Thank you!
  4. I just got a "We have taken action on your case" email from USCIS, but when I log in, the last update listed is my notice of interview (dated 08/27). Has anyone else experienced this? Trying not to panic before my interview tomorrow!
  5. Congratulations! What did you take with you to the interview?
  6. Thanks for taking the time to detail your experience. What an accomplishment! Congratulations, again!
  7. Congratulations! Do you mind sharing how the interview went, what was asked, what you took with you etc? I hope you’re celebrating!
  8. Interview scheduled for 10/04 at 7:55am! Apologies if this info has been posted already, but how soon after interview is the oath ceremony, typically? If anybody has data for SLC specifically that would be extremely helpful!
  9. Filed 07/13/24 under the 5 year rule (I needed a break from paperwork for a while!). Local office is Salt Lake City. Re-using biometrics. Can anyone remind me what I should expect at the interview?
  10. Just received notice for my interview scheduling! I’ll post again when I have a date confirmed. I feel like things moved quickly. Time to get studying!
  11. Thanks. I looked online at my Delta account and trips over 1 year ago are not listed on my account. I can reach out, but these trips were almost 6 years ago…
  12. What evidence could I provide for this? I don’t have boarding passes etc from these trips and I’m not sure how else to ‘prove’ that I left the country for these short vacations? Thanks in advance!
  13. Kicking myself because I forgot to list a trip outside fo the USA on my online application! I submitted a letter detailing the dates that I overlooked. Hoping this doesn't come back to bite me...! I forgot how stressful all this paperwork and worry can be 😪
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