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Ms. Arely C.

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Hi Guys! So I had a delay on sending our joint I-751 petition but we're getting ready to send it out on Monday (in 2 days ) As suggested on my previous post, I made a sworn affidavit for my parents stating that we live with them and we will be living with them until we save up some money for our own place. I am not sure if this is good, I was given links with very good information on how to make the affidavit but I am pretty nervous since I tried to make it 1 page but I am not sure if I did good or if I should make changes. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some feedback. I replaced my information with fake names, addresses and dates. But that is exactly how I have it arranged. Please let me know how I did and if I should add, remove or change a few things. Thank You in advance Homer Jay Simpson Marjorie Jacqueline Simpson 742 Evergreen Terrace Springfield, Texas 98765 USCIS P.O. Box 21200 Phoenix, AZ 85036 April 18 2004 RE: In connection to petition to remove the conditions of residence for: Nelson Mandela Muntz Alien Registration Number: A-xxx-xxx-xxx To whom it may concern, We, Homer Jay Simpson and Marjorie Jacqueline Simpson , hereby testify that our daughter, Elizabeth Marie Muntz born on 05/09/1981 in Baconville, USA, has been living at 742 Evergreen Terrace Springfield, Texas 98765 since she was born and her husband, Nelson Mandela Muntz, entered the US on a K-1 visa on March 5th 2001 therefore they have been living together with us in our home, 742 Evergreen Terrace Springfield, Texas 98765 since 03/05/2001 We were present at Lisa and Nelson’s first and only wedding in Springfield, Texas on 03/20/2001 and at our granddaughter’s, Zia Marie Muntz , birth in Baconville, Texas on 04/01/2001. They are happily living with us and will continue living with us until they save enough money for a place of their own. We assure they have a true and loving relationship that was entered in good faith. Thank you for the opportunity to share this information with you. Please contact us at (939)-555-0123 if you have any questions or require additional information. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sincerely, Homer Jay Simpson Marjorie Jacqueline Simpson Date of Birth: 05/12/1953 Date of Birth: 03/19/1953 Social Security: 123-45-6789 Social Security: 012-34-5678 ____________________________ __________________________________________ Homer Jay Simpson Marjorie Jacqueline Simpson
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