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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Our Story
    We met while I was on a Military tour in Soul, S korea. May 11th, 2003 her birthday! The Angels Guided me to her. She crossed the street with her friends, she glanced back at me for a second, but it felt like forever. I could feel ours souls making love, at first sight , though we were still 50 meters away.
    That night I followed her to a club, after a beer I found the courage to talk to her. I already knew she was mine.
    A couple of months later...We moved in together, got a cat, got pregnant.
    We could'nt get married then because I was still legally married to my two children's Mother, in New York.
    Barno had to come back to Uzbekistan, 6 months pregnant.
    I had to come back to the US and take custody of my two children (their Mother was a drunk).
    When our daugther Laura was born in Tashkent, I wasn't there and could not fly in because my childern were traumatized from their mothers troubles. I left the Military on September 2005, to be a single dad.
    Finally,on March 2006, I became legally Divorced. In April went to Tashkent and my baby Laura met her daddy in person for the first time.
    We applied for her American Passport and got interviewed for her FS-240 (report of Birth abroad).
    On May 29th, 2006 I sent in the 129F Petition.
    I wish there was a streamlined, faster Petition, for cases like ours. We just want to have our whole family (Barno, Me, our daughter Laura, my two other children and our cat) together at last.
    God willing Barno and Laura will be here in NY before November 2006.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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