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Posts posted by riane&chad

  1. Hi everyone. I sent in my fiance's information on March 11th, and it was delivered on March 14th. We haven't received any messages from Chicago yet. It has been a week since it was delivered. Does anybody know how long it could take for us to get some kind of notification?

    We sent ours on the 8th March to Chicago and haven't heard anything yet either. Texas seems to be sending out noa's quicker.

  2. Haha we didnt get a puppy cuz we living in a studioapt atm... we are both very young and at the beginning of our lives so cant afford much, especially living off of 1 salary!!!

    But we have a chinese water dragon and hes soooo cool that character.... he watches tv with me lol

    Same we are both young to, currently living with the other halfs family. Your pet sounds cooler than mine lol, but I'm scared of lizards so that would never work haha. Im still trying to get use to seeing them every time I step out the door. Its not normal to see lizards running around in the UK so this is new to me being surrounded by them in Florida.. haha

  3. Haha we didnt get a puppy cuz we living in a studioapt atm... we are both very young and at the beginning of our lives so cant afford much, especially living off of 1 salary!!!

    But we have a chinese water dragon and hes soooo cool that character.... he watches tv with me lol

    Same we are both young to, currently living with the other halfs family. Your pet sounds cooler than mine lol, but I'm scared of lizards so that would never work haha. Im still trying to get use to seeing them every time I step out the door. Its not normal to see lizards running around in the UK so this is new to me being surrounded by them in Florida.. haha

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