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Posts posted by egaralmeida

  1. Thanks NLR and awaywego!

    The suggestion to check how strict is your embassy is a good one, as they vary.

    I checked the regional forum but couldn't find anything for my embassy on this topic. My embassy used to ve very strict 9 years ago when I requested my first tourist visa, but have loosened up since then. Might not be a good indicator since these are different processes, though.

    For evidence of bona fide marriage, focus on evidence of time spent together, then intermingling of lives and planning for the future. You don't need every item on the list of suggestions to make a strong case that your marriage is bona fide. Very few couples, especially if recently married, have every item.

    What we have is a rental contract for the place where we live, which the landlord never bothered to certify so it's basically a piece of paper with several signatures, a letter from the bank stating that we have a joined account, which is also a piece of paper that just states that, and we are gathering affidavits... My biggest fear is that the marriage certificate states that we both have different addresses, because she had her legal domicile somewhere else at the time, and none of these things actually proves we live together and have been since she moved here.

    For time spent together we could have a lot of info, should I include that in this stage? We traveled several times to her parent's house for Christmas and New Year's, had our honeymoon, and made other trips. For all of this we have e-receipts, pictures and credit card statements maybe.

    Thanks again for all your help!

  2. Hi there,

    I'm Egar from Argentina. My wife (naturalized american citizen) and I live together in Argentina and we are about to send the i-130 package as soon as we get the translations, pictures, and maybe more evidence of our bona fide marriage since I'm not convinced what we have now would be enough.

    I've been reading the guides but I can't find information for when both spouses live abroad and there's no DCF in the country. My question in particular is: At what point in the whole process is the petitioner required to move back to the US? And, what's left after that? Any time estimates would be really helpful too.

    We started our relationship as a long distance relationship for a year, and now that we are married we really don't want to go through that again.

    Thanks in advance!

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