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Mayi & MiMi

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  • Gender
  • City
    Los Angeles
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    K1 was filed but stuck in AP so I went to Morocco and got married. Now we begin the CR1 path.

    ****Met my fiance back in 2008/2009 but somehow we lost contact and recently found him again on a social site. It took me some time to realize that we had been friends years ago until I started looking at his pics and it dawned on me that we had met before. Back then his English was not all that good so we didnt say much back then. But in July of 2015, all I did was say hello and from there it blossomed into a full on relationship.

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  1. I knew she had "some" issues, but I also found out that certain meds made her a bit weird. I also truly believe that she was taken other stuff that was narcotic. Nonetheless, she was also bipolar, multiple personalities, etc and I understand why. The day I left to the airport to go back to Morocco, she stood in front of a photo of me and him and was talking to it. Everything she did was on my RING camera. I was totally shocked to see her go from one mood to the next. I can't begin to tell you the many mood swings she went thru for 7 straight hours ! Whatever she did, if she did, to my husband was bad. He never cried in front of me, but he did and I swear to you it was heart breaking to watch him go thru this delusional and paranoia episode. That killed me to witness. Sending him home did some good I will say but I still worry. I asked him to go get his blood checked to see what was going on, but he refused. It was like watching a bad trip on drugs. What I witness the last month or two when he was here was something that I never want to see again. This is not the man I married. The depression was deep. The psychotic episodes he went thru were real to him. I want to be there to support him in every way possible. I know he would do it with me. I just want him back home and we will go thru this together. As far as my sister, i have very harsh words and thoughts of her and never want to see her again. We have several messages between us about the time that has passed and he was actually afraid to come back but now he wants to and I will do whatever it takes to bring him back to the man I know he really is. Again thank you. I will buy his ticket and be there when he gets off the plane.
  2. I totally agree ! He mentioned that he saw her near his coffee and some other things. I never doubted him but she is gone now and I have been praying that his health come back. I just know that he wants to come home now and start his life back. I want us to move forward and together find solutions.
  3. I am total in support of my husband and will always be in support of him. I know his worth, and his value. There is no question as to what we have. There was concern when he had a breakdown, but I have never once told him to get over it, I have been supportive of his health and issues. He is better and ready to be back with me. I never made him feel like he was less than. I went through this with him. What I do want to know is if he got a ticket and came back would there be issues of him entering the states. He has maintained his accounts with the bank and the home so the ties here are strong. I am sure immigration would like to know why the overstay in Morocco. Just I need to know the what ifs so that I can prepare things.
  4. Thank you for the replies and apologies for the deleted words - although I did really use foul language, nonetheless I will remember to use caution when I write. However my question still remains unanswered. My husband has been out of the country since January 4, 2023. We have not filed any paperwork on why he has overstayed. He wants to return to the states, which that is all I want as well. What would he need to do to come back since he still has ties to the US? If he were to purchase his ticket and fly back would there be any issues? Am I even posting in the right forum? Thank you in advance
  5. Hello all ! Its been a while since my last post but I really need some help here. My husband came to the US just before the pandemic got really bad (January 2020) and we started our life together. My husband worked, paid taxes, stayed out of trouble. Life was good. I allowed my sister, who I never met, come to stay with us last year (she left after a few months) but during her time her, she really ###### with my husbands head. Let me explain to sum it up. The 3 years my husband was here, life was good. Yes my husband was missing home and we had made plans to return for a visit. In November 2022, my husband started changing mentally. His whole personality just flipped. My sister didnt make things better always talking out her [deleted] and saying negative things about his religion and all kinds of #######. Anyway skip the BS, my husband because a whole different person. His health started changing. He had lost so much weight and his mind started playing tricks on him. He thinks my sister did black magic on him (she's a 5150 btw). Finally after a complete meltdown I bought my husband a ticket back home while I was to deal with getting rid of my narcissistic sister. I mean things got absolutely crazy to the point that my husband asked me what was the injection I gave him in his leg when he was sleeping. Like it got really really bad. Anyway I bought him a ticket to Morocco, drove him to the airport and off he went. He doesnt remember much of his trip. His brother and family told me they saw a dead man in him. His skin was gray, his eyes were black, his weight was gone, like in all honesty he was a dead man walking. He told me that he saw my family at the airports and that people had been following him to his village. I can't begin to tell you how bad I cried over the days of reliving all of his breakdowns, his accusations, etc. Fast forward to today. When my husband arrived back home, he saw his mother had not been taking care of the home, herself, etc. She was not in the best of health. He stayed to help and in the same time get back his health, both physically and mentally. He left on January 4, 2023. I arrived in March of 2023 and left April 2023. My trip to the airport was not a memorable one because my husband and I bickered the entire way. We had NEVER fought or bickered. Anyway, I arrived home and we have been in contact with each other and I have been supporting him while he deals with his issues. He has maintained his bank account and he is on the mortgage papers here as well as the bills. He really didnt know if he wanted to come back but yesterday he said he did. His GC is an IR1 and its good for 10 years I believe. Since hes been out of the country since January 4, 2023, but has maintain his ties here, would there be any issues about his return. Keep in mind that no paperwork has been submitted regarding his overstay. Help !
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