Hi everyone,
I am sure this question has been answered a lot of times here, but I can't find it on the website, thus forgive me if it is repetitive.
I am finding conflicting information everywhere. For 2024 my husband (beneficiary) and I (petitioner/sponsor) have filled our taxes jointly.
Part 6.7. My current individual annual income: I listed an estimate of how much I expect to make individually, without my spouse, in 2025.
Part 6.16a: Most recent tax year 2024: do I list our joint total income like it appears on our tax return, or do I substract my income from the joint and list only my individual income, based on my w2s?
I found information that I shouldn't list any income for the other two tax years (2023,2022), if I didn't make enough money, just write N/A. For example in 2023 I worked in Eastern Europe and made Eastern European salary, about 3000 USD. Do I list that income or write N/A?
Household info: My husband (beneficiary) is divorced and has two minor children, who live with his ex wife abroad. Do I list them to my household? Does the joint sponsor list them too? They don't intend to immigrate here.
Thanks a lot again!!!