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  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
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  1. Hi everyone, I am sure this question has been answered a lot of times here, but I can't find it on the website, thus forgive me if it is repetitive. I am finding conflicting information everywhere. For 2024 my husband (beneficiary) and I (petitioner/sponsor) have filled our taxes jointly. Part 6.7. My current individual annual income: I listed an estimate of how much I expect to make individually, without my spouse, in 2025. Part 6.16a: Most recent tax year 2024: do I list our joint total income like it appears on our tax return, or do I substract my income from the joint and list only my individual income, based on my w2s? I found information that I shouldn't list any income for the other two tax years (2023,2022), if I didn't make enough money, just write N/A. For example in 2023 I worked in Eastern Europe and made Eastern European salary, about 3000 USD. Do I list that income or write N/A? Household info: My husband (beneficiary) is divorced and has two minor children, who live with his ex wife abroad. Do I list them to my household? Does the joint sponsor list them too? They don't intend to immigrate here. Thanks a lot again!!!
  2. I am planning on mailing it by the end of the next week. I have everything except joint sponsor's tax return for 2024 and my tax returns for 2022-2023.
  3. Hello everyone, Not sure if this is the right sub to post this question. Please feel free to move this thread elsewhere if needed. My husband is in the US through U4U. My best friend sponsored him to come here, as I was in Europe at that time, ( we lived together with my family for two years) and didn't qualify to be a sponsor. We got married here, and are working (slowly) on preparing the paperwork for the adjustment of status case. I only made 23,945 in 2024 ( started working in the US in April 2024), and my current job is cutting my hours dramatically, therefore my friend will be a joint sponsor. The problem is that the joint sponsor didn't finish filling his taxes for 2024. His accountant is still working on them. My 2022-2023 taxes are also still being processed at H&R Block, and I can't get transcripts of them, but I figured it wasn't a big deal since we have a joint sponsor, and I barely made any income in that timeframe. Now, time is pressing and I don't feel comfortable waiting any longer. Would really like to get this process going. Would it hurt us if we submitted our case without the joint sponsor's 2024 taxes? He does have paystubs. Or should we wait and finalize all of our taxes first? Thanks in advance for your help!
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