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About mmh

  • Birthday 02/25/1975

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
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  • Our Story
    in 2002 a friend and i decided to escape life and flew off to europe to hang for a couple of months. 1st stop--rome, italy. our 1st weekend out, i met him--in a crowded, smoky, loud, tiny, cave-like club off of campo di fiori. the sun was coming up when he finally decided to ask for my info. i spent the remainder of time in rome w/ him. but i left it @ that--hey, i had to be realistic. we both didn't look towards any future--we were just both happy to have had a nice time. regardless, we both thought a new friendship had been founded and we kept up contact as i flew off to other corners of europe. w/in a week of my arrival back in the u.s., he called me. and the calls never stopped. a few months later i was back in italy to see him. 2 years of phone calls and and several trips to italy later, we decided that marriage was for us. we made the decision to be together--he would come to this side of the world. we began to gather info on the process of bringing him over--it seemed that our best option was the k-1. but i was disappointed to find about all the restrictive rules that went along w/ the process. per the advice of an immigration lawyer, we changed our course of action. against the rules advised by visajourney.com--he came in as a tourist. we married and are now in midst of getting his papers. our lawyer took care of the initial forms and and so far we've accomplished the following (as of march 2005):

    *he received his aurthoritzation for employment card (after being fingerprinted)
    *he has received papers that allow him to travel outside the u.s. until 2006
    *he has applied and received a social security #
    *our interview is scheduled for may
    *he found employment

    it would seem that luck has been on our side and the flow of the process has been steady and w/out any obstacles. i can only hope that everything continues smoothly.

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