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  • Immigration Status
    F-2A Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Hartford CT

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  1. We are from north Iraq , and it was 5 of them that had medical done, so you thing congressman will help ?
  2. Yes it was strange they had paid 2,000$ 1st time when they went for interviews and now they spend another 1,500$ I am afraid that it will expire again and make them do it again , I contacted couple of lawyers they all want 6,000 $ to suing that it a lot too
  3. Hi all, my sister had interviewed in August 29 2023 and they told them that they need to investigate more I got email in September 10 2024 that they need to renew medical records and submit passports in Ankara turkey they went and spend another 1,500$ to get all those done and submitted the passports after a month they send email saying we need to do more investigation and send the passport back , no they have not had any criminal records or have done anything. Has anyone else had smaller case , how long to wait again for them to ask for the passport back or will it be approved? Thank you in advance
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