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Posts posted by nacampbell

  1. I believe that it is necessary for countries where you lived for more than 12 months, not 6. I lived in Japan for 10 months and nothing was required from there. Not going to help the original poster any but i just wanted to clarify.

  2. We didn't get an NOA1 either. We filed our I-130 with the embassy in London on June 14th and they processed our credit card shortly after that. I waited patiently for the NOA1 to arrive but then the I-130 approval letter arrived out of the blue. It was approved on July 20th which was pretty speedy. I re-read and re-re-read the letter again to make sure it was indeed the petiton approval and not the NOA1. I'm still a little perturbed by the speed it was approved and it is a little ironic as we're not even in a particular hurry to get to the next stage. I have just started the 3 month wait to have a criminal background check come back from Japan which I know will hold everything up.

    There just doesn't appear to be a set way of things happening with DCF.


    This is my first post but I'd like to thank everyone who posts on this site and makes this daunting process a little less foggy.

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