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Posts posted by CarenNBrian

  1. Hello Everyone!

    We are getting married next week in Victoria BC (yay!).

    For a long time, we thought I (USC) was going to go there, but recently we have changed our minds and we are now aiming to apply for a K3 for him (Canadian citizen) to come here, with his teenage son. We currently reside in our respective countries, visiting as often as possible.

    This site has been a great help already, but we are still at the "heads spinning with acronyms" stage. :wacko:

    We have been looking at the few stats through Nebraska and Vancouver, and it's not looking very good that there is any way to get his son his K4 in time to start school in mid-August. :( I don't know what we are going to do about that. Maybe nothing we can do. We will be as fast as we possibly can with our parts, with the help of all the info and helpful people here. :)

    If anyone knows if it is permissible to get a TN visa (non-immigrant, NAFTA professional class) if a Canadian gets a job offer while an I-130 is in progress, let me know. I'm guessing not, but, one always hopes.

    PS - If anyone has questions on the forms for immigration to Canada, I know a little about that!

    Thanks and best wishes to everyone!


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