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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Met Irish on yahoo IM in september 2005..wasnt looking for anything at the time..I believe God sent her to me in the form of an IM..poof there she was..started out innocently enough..asked names and where we were from..me Florida..her Philippines...WHAT..OMG thats far..we enjoyed each other company and set up times when we could chat..I always looked forward to those days..she was so kind,caring,and encouraging to me..as time went on I my feeling fo rher grew stronger and stronger..she felt the same way..soon we professed our love to each other..I had to find a way to go see her and see if it was for real..so after 7 months of chatting I bought my plane tickets and left here on April 4th to go see my angel...It was so natural when we met at the airport..we hugged and kissed and WOW what a feeling.
    We stayed at Plantation Bay the first night and left for her province in the morning..Ginatilan is her town..Met the family and they were so nice to me..i felt like they were my family...we went to Moboal beach..Kwasan Falls..up into the mountians..had such a great time..have to say it was the best 10 days of my life..I didnt want to leave..i took out a ring and proposed to her on the 3rd day..she was so happy and said YES..she is so special..never met anyone like her before..I love her more and more each day..when i had to leave it was so emotional..I remebersitting on the plane and as it taxied down the runway i felt my heart ripping out of my chest..i cried and cried knowing it will be months before i can be in her arms again..got home and hired an attorney to do the K1..i am almost done getting all the docs together and it should be filed by the end of May..then the waiting really starts..im hoping within 8 months it will all be done and we can be reunited and start our lives here..oh what a happy thought.Irish I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND I ALWAYS WILL..I WILL HONOR AND CHERISH YOU FOR ALL MY DAYS.

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