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Posts posted by lockdev

  1. I'm about to receive the NOA2(hopefully!) so I wanted to get the documents in order.

    Here's where the fun part comes in.

    First off, I make well over the poverty level, and have for the past 10 years, at least. My income for the past 5 years has been over 6 figures.

    Here comes the problem:

    I've moved twice in the past 2 years, and have switched banks back and forth, so my "annual average" is going to be hard to solidify.

    I have a very decent amount of money in my checking account. Problem is, last year, it was in a different account and there isn't much history with the current account. The old account has since been closed.

    The bank I'm currently with is also in a different state, and they're a fairly disorganized small credit union, so getting a letter is going to be hard, to say the least.

    I'm thinking about switching to a bank out here in California and having them do the document.

    Is that a bad idea to switch banks basically the week of receiving the NOA2?

    Not really sure what do to in this situation.

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