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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Louisville KY
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. No problems. I passed.
  2. My interview is tomorrow so I'm already nervous. I just got an email saying action was taken on my case and to log in, but when I log in nothing has changed and my interview is still listed as tomorrow. Any ideas what may have happened?
  3. Thanks! I read the letter quickly when I was making sure all my papers were together and I didn't know if I needed it or not since we are divorced and I'm applying based on my time here, not on the marriage.
  4. 🤣 Ops auto correct. Thanks for clarification. I don't think I need it then. But I'm taking all the documents I have.
  5. I got divorced last year and I'm applying for my US citizenship. On the paper it asks for a spouses birth certificate. I can ask but I'm not sure if he'll let me borrow that. I have all the other required paperwork and divorce decree. I've been in the US for almost 8 years now and my daughter is a US citizen from birth. Has anyone else filed after divorce and did they require the birth certificate of your ex spouse? Thanks.
  6. Thank you. Not planning any international travel right now but I will take that into consideration. It would be awesome if I can get approved same day but if not hopefully quickly after.
  7. N-400 interview. I applied January 9th at the Louisville KY office. The appointment is April 10th they made the appointment today.
  8. Sorry for this question and I'm not sure if it can be answered or not. But this morning I checked my account and I have an appointment for April 10th. Previously the processing time said 5 months and now it says 7. How long after the interview does it take for them to process everything and give a decision or does it depend?
  9. Thank you, I did a practice of the 100 questions and got 91 out of 100 I'm just really anxious because it's oral so I'm using flashcards instead of multiple choice to practice.
  10. When you did your test was it 10 questions? What type of questions did they ask? I have the file, and most of them I know the answers too but things like dates etc might be problematic for me (I'm going to study as I just applied). Thanks.
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