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    My husband and I started the Immigration process in late 2012. We are trying to get him permanent residence at this point, and later US Citizenship. So far it has been a rocky road. We had to change our attorney before submitting the 601A wavier. We went to his Consulate interview in October 2015. He was denied re-entry into the United States based on an exam, but the waiver was approved before we made the trip; we didn't see this coming. I returned to the United States alone in November 2015 after my husband received a 1 year bar. Now we have to go through the whole process all over again! We barely had enough money to pay everything the first time around. Now we have to pay again. He is in Mexico making very little money, and I was forced to resign from my job so I could spend the time with him in Juarez. Despite everything we hold onto hope, and believe one day we will be together again here in the United States. This website has been great! Reading entries from others who are going through the same thing lets me know we are not the only ones in the world beating our heads against the Immigration wall...lol. I pray for everyone who has to endure this process. I pray that your family will receive the strength they need, and God will protect you. Peace!

    Hey there! Our attorney mailed off our 601 wavier today (03-10-2016). We are trying this again. The US Consulate scheduled my husband's next medical exam on 09-20-2016 when he was denied re-entry the first time. I will try my best to keep pots current...wish us luck this time around!

    Received notice in mail that 601 wavier packet has been received on March 14, 2016. Here we go again :)

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