I met my fiancé on July 2014 while visiting my mother in Boston Massachusetts. We fell in love with each other, it was love at first sight. I was visiting on a esta card so I left before three months. Two months later I went to visit my mother again and of course to see me fiancé Larry. This love was so real and deep that we enjoyed every second of it. While visiting I got pregnant by him... This was very shocking for us because we was not expecting this. At the end we was happy with our first baby and decided to be a family. The only issue was that I am from the Netherlands and he is a American that is on probation in the USA. So kind of impossible for us to be together. Well I ended up going back to Amsterdam again because I did not want to be illegal in USA. We applied for a k1visa and it got denied because of a small shoplifting case I committed a time ago. Now we have to apply for a waiver. My fiancé Larry has not met out first child yet little Larry. This has been taking so long, the baby is already 9 months!! I am hoping that we have chanse of the waiver getting approved. If you guys have any similar success stories, please feel free to share
God bless💕