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Posts posted by JayDX81

  1. My fiancee just pass her interview and got her Visa, and we just recently came to the USA, but they give me an instruction telling my fiancee that she need to file for a marriage certificated and then she need to file form I-485. I need to know if she file that form or I'll file for it? Another thing is what do I need to bring with me or show them when filing for this form? As for the marriage certificated do I need any prove or any witness to file for it?

  2. My fiancee just pass her interview and got her Visa, and we just recently came to the USA, but the give me an instruction telling my fiancee that she need to file for a marriage certificated and then she need to file for form I-485. I need to know for that form she need to file it or I file it for her? Another thing is what do I need to bring with me or show them when filing for this form? As for the marriage certificated do I need any prove or any witness to file for it?

  3. If they want to make a big deal out of it, they will confiscate all your items and make you pay a huge fine.

    I know several people who have had this problem. Lately, it has been about bringing in meats. Viet Nam has a food safety issue and Viet Kieu and returning Vietnamese nationals have had very pricey cuts of meats confiscated. Bribes are not working because someone at the top wants a crackdown.

    This is the risk that you would be taking.

    I am not going to tell you that nothing will happen to you or that something will. This is a risk that you need to consider.

    True and thank Jojo, I'm having my fiance ask around to see what I should do. If I have to I will leave at least 2 behind or 3, will see

  4. Gifts are limited to $200 in value with electronics according to the law.

    How can you prove that you will not resell the items when you enter Vietnam? Your words is not good enough. You can not prove this. Furthermore, it does not matter if you sell or gift these items.

    A single iPhone 5s is about $200. You are trying to bring too much to Vietnam.

    Oh man hmm I hope I can bribe them. I know some people who say to bribe them but in certain way, so like you say there is a way to do so just depend on how. I guess since I bring more then you I should bribe more, plus I don't want to leave some behind. I guess I will test my luck, since Vietnam all way like bribing.

    Gifts are limited to $200 in value with electronics according to the law.

    How can you prove that you will not resell the items when you enter Vietnam? Your words is not good enough. You can not prove this. Furthermore, it does not matter if you sell or gift these items.

    A single iPhone 5s is about $200. You are trying to bring too much to Vietnam.

    If they don't take the bribe what will they do to me?

  5. I'm bringing 4 IPad Mini 2, 1 IPhone 6s Plus, 1 IPhone 6s, 1 IPhone 5s, 4 IPhone 5c, 1 IPhone 3, 3 IPhone 4s, 1 Playstation 3. Will this be a problem? Can I bribe the custom police? Do you think they will give me a hard time because I'm Viet Kieu?

  6. You will get a hard time about the iPads, iPhones, and Playstation. The Vietnam Government is sick and tire of people avoiding taxes by bringing in iPads and iPhones to resell. There is no proof that you can provide that they are gifts since any of these items can be sold by you quickly. They want their taxes. The Custom Police just wants a bribe. Pay the bribe and be done when you get there. They will tell you to place a gift in the desk drawer. They will not touch the money only after you leave. I paid $20 for 5 iPhones.

    so just pay them the bribe when I go through the custom police?

  7. Hello, my name is Jayden I'm traveling to Vietnam in 4 weeks to be with my fiance for her interview. This is my first time traveling alone, and I was wondering a few stuff about carry-on and luggage. Below are two question I kind of curious about.

    • I bought 4 IPad and a few IPhone as a gift and I was wondering if I go back will they give me hard time or will there be a tax charge from the Vietnamese airport when I arrive in Vietnam. If so does any one know how much?
    • Can I bring a console system Playstation 3 in my carry-on bag? If yes will there be a tax charge for it too when I arrive in Vietnam?
  8. What country were you born in?

    I was born in Vietnam, and move to the United States in 1993 to current. Now I'm a U.S. Citizen, but why?

    I would not worry about it too much if the marriage and relationship is genuine. Though many of those Vietsingle.com posts are scams, but they are not all fake. I have met and had real relationships with a couple of people from there (all of whom live in the States, btw) so I know some are real.

    Well my wife are legit no scam. She is real alright.

  9. First of all thank for the reply and yes I'm a U.S. Citizen, my story is not fraud, but it does seem so to other since people can't be trusted now a day, and I understand that. However what I say is true I didn't get married in 2015, I got married in 2012 and divorce in 2015, The reason being is very common it just some family issued and we could't work it out, therefore the marriage didn't went too well. Of course when I remarry it not a fraud either I did meet my wife from a website and if you must ask how can you get marry right away after a divorce? It does seem suspicious yes I know. I can tell you now that it is. My first wife was through an arrange marriage between 2 family, but this second time it was me I went and look for my own wife, use my own judgement and previous experienced to decided.

    Also what do you mean "Clarify how I got here?" I live here I'm U.S. Citizen

    The part "Of course when I remarry it not a fraud either I did meet my wife from a website and if you must ask how can you get marry right away after a divorce? It does seem suspicious yes I know. I can tell you now that it is" at the end I meant to type "It isn't" not "It is" sorry.

  10. you said you got married in 2015 and you have been married faithfully for 3 years, yet you are divorced and re-married. Your story is difficult to follow. Are you a US citizen or LPR? and please clarify how you got here. I just cannot make any sense of what you wrote

    First of all thank for the reply and yes I'm a U.S. Citizen, my story is not fraud, but it does seem so to other since people can't be trusted now a day, and I understand that. However what I say is true I didn't get married in 2015, I got married in 2012 and divorce in 2015, The reason being is very common it just some family issued and we could't work it out, therefore the marriage didn't went too well. Of course when I remarry it not a fraud either I did meet my wife from a website and if you must ask how can you get marry right away after a divorce? It does seem suspicious yes I know. I can tell you now that it is. My first wife was through an arrange marriage between 2 family, but this second time it was me I went and look for my own wife, use my own judgement and previous experienced to decided.

    you said you got married in 2015 and you have been married faithfully for 3 years, yet you are divorced and re-married. Your story is difficult to follow. Are you a US citizen or LPR? and please clarify how you got here. I just cannot make any sense of what you wrote

    Also what do you mean "Clarify how I got here?" I live here I'm U.S. Citizen

  11. Hi there first of all I would like to Congrat you on your passing. Secondly I also believe that both of people should be there it would play a lot. That is what I did I went back and go to the interview with my ex-wife as well, now I just re-married and I'm kind of scare that it might not be so easy this time. I don't know with me being there with her if it is going to be any help at all with our evidence. I however think it will be, but not 100% sure, I'm still scare that it will be hard, since I just recently divorce not too long and yet I got marry again when me and my wife barely know each other, so I think with that they would give it a red flag they'll probably think it will be a scam for money or something like that. Which is not, right now I'm really scare.Just hope for the best for me.

  12. you have recently divorced and quickly marry will attribute a red flag with your petition. your beneficiary hard to pass up coming interview at Consular in Saigon

    I know it was fast, but because I don't have the time to go back and visit her once then come back again to get married. It just too much traveling and time, so I thought why not just visit her this one time and then just get married right away, why wait. However what your saying it give me the chill, do you really thing it would be impossible to pass the interview?

  13. Dear Readers

    My name is Jayden Do, I have something that I have been ache to ask, and this is regarding those whose have been re-married again after they have been divorce once. I will tell some the background of what is going on, but don't get any idea that this is a fake or for money or a scam what so ever you might think about. I can tell you now it is not, and that we both come together truthfully.

    Here is what happen, I have been married once and in September of 2015 we got a divorce, however I have been faithfully married with my ex for 3 years. After the marriage ended in September, I was sad, so I went online to search for friends. The website was like those of Match.Com or whatever, but if you must know the website called Vietsingle.com, I went on and I meet my new current wife after my marriage ended we talk, and talk for 4 months. First I ask her to wait for me for 2 years, before I go back and marry her. However I then decided to go back to Vietnam in January of 2016 and started my new marriage with my new wife. We both came together under a good faith there were no scam, no nothing. It was a true love, true marriage. I also hired those people to do my paperwork, but now I just heard story, rumor from other Vietnamese peoples where I currently live. They told me that it would be hard, that they have some one who also divorce and re-marry again, he also have a kid and their is kid are now 3 year old, and yet what they told me is that when his wife went for the interview she keep failing the interview. Then there also some say that it would take 4 year, then some say it wouldn't be that easy for a second time. This is what get me nervous, it give me some headace.

    My question is have any one who have similar situation with me where you go divorce and then you re-married, but then everything went well for you and you and your wife were finally together? If so is there any advice that you can give me? However if your not in the same boat at me then please don't judge me for doing this for a scam or something which is not. If you do have something to say or you know a friend of you or your family have similar situation as me then please I would love to know how he/she did it? How he/she bring their spouse to America? How long it take them? Was there any problem? Please I need to know this because right now I'm scared after hearing about this story and rumor.

  14. Hi, I'm just wondering I just recently divorce. I have been married for 3 year with a Vietnamese girl but then we got divorce just recently, and I have call the Immigration they say I'm able to remarry any time as long as I'm divorce with the proper paper and such. The real question is this now I'm about to go back to Vietnam again and remarry to another girl, but my question is do I need to get the Single Status Affidavit again since this is not my first time, and I have a divorce paper?

  15. With all due respect for your disappointment in this failed marriage, but you sound like you are trying to make an exchange of a damaged good. Return the old, get a new.

    Sure, you can report her for fraud but do you actually have any evidence of fraudulent activity on her part or do you just feel like you got used?

    After three years of marriage, this doesn't sound like your typical spam artist but much more like a marriage that didn't work out.

    I understand your statement, but what kind of evidence would you consider? I'm not trying to return the old and get a new no that is not it. I just feel like she just using me and never love me. She all way speak scornfully of me in front other people. She would say thing such as how my appearance is, how rude I'm, how pathetic I'm, how useless I'm, how stupid I'm. She show no respect to me even though respect has to be earn, but I have sacrifice my job, my money just to make her happy because I don't want my mother to keep yelling at her, but that isn't even enough. When we leave and move to where my sister live she would horse around with my cousin physically like touching his nipples, provoke him to come and wrestle her. She even ask him to take her to place instead of asking me, when I see that every husband would be mad. She does let me have sex but recently she doesn't because she work a lot which I understand, and I don't mind that. However she all way say I can't protect her because she would wake up at 7:00 AM and go work and never come home untill 10:00 PM (Her work place doesn't open until 9:30 AM - 7:30PM) She told me she like to hang out in a crowd more then hanging out with just a couple (Me & Her) she say it more fun that way. Sometime she ask me to do thing for her like go get her food and drink when she hungry, and I would run and get it for her of course with her money at that time I was unemployed but I still run to the store and get food & drink for her, and not just for her but for the whole group of employee where she work. Some time she ask me to hang out with her go shopping which I go, and go eat out which I do as well, but she would all way complain that I all way let her pay. OMG! I'm UNEMPLOYED at the moment too. When I finally got a job she would say she make more money then me so I just remember that. She never cook, never clean when she leave together with my parents. Let just put it in a simple way all the action she do and how she treated me is evidence that she don't ever love me in the first place. Let me ask you this then what evidence would consider her using me? Like cheating on me, having an affair or gambling or what kind of evidence? Does it need to be a statement that she would wrote down on a piece of paper saying she just used me to get here? I don't think so this one is too smart to do that. Now that she got her Adjustment of Condition status removed from her green card and got her 10 year she suddenly listen to her co-worker and just leave me. Isn't that proof enough?

  16. well the reason I'm asking is because I'm afraid that if I file for a divorce too soon since we haven't been together for 5 years. The USCIS might think of it as a fake marriage one of those marriage that your spouse pay you to marry their daughter. I'm just afraid that they thought this would be on of those type and won't let me remarry and put in for a petition again.

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