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Posts posted by CutienPurg

  1. Hubby's CR-1 was completed at the NVC on 8-30-07......

    not too shabby for the NVC overall

    8 months total and the delays were caused by us; we waited 3 months to send back the choice of agent and then took us 6 weeks to respond to the July RFE. They received the response in the system on 8-21 and completed review 9 days later ......Im moderately impressed.

    so whats the concensus on case complete to interview as of late?

  2. congrats

    hubby had the copy attached to the original via paperclip and a 2nd backup copy set aside in another folder. he wasnt asked in particular order and wasn't given advance notice ( a list if u will) as to how to organize and/or present them.........the person asked and he presented. so make sure the finace is familiar with each item so he can produce them as asked and without confusion........its quiz time.

    again congrats and good luck

  3. neither our packet 3 instruction nor the packet 4 instruction said we required an electronic DS-156. had it not been for VJ we would have been clueless

    i cant recall from minute to minute who I knew had interviews......so if i havent said it already , Congrats Udella and Wiz

  4. So........how am I/we? The kids are doig well, staying busy and distracted. They have their moments of sadness and outright tears. The youngest , an almost 11 yr old takes it the hardest. My 2nd husband , her father and the father of my 13 yr old passed away almost 5 years ago following a bee sting. He thought she hung the moon and she reciprocated that feeling. Following his death, Cory tried his best to fill in some the gaps left behind. Both my 11 and 13 yr old feel like theyve lost another dad. The older children, 17 and 19 yr old girls, run non-stop. Their( and Cory's) dad and my sister mom are 2 of my very best friends ( took a few years). The girls spend a fair amount of time with dad and his family which helps them immensely. Hubby , well he just takes care of us all...bless his heart.I dont know what the future holds for me but I would imagine this pull between wanting/needing to be where my son is and wanting/needing to be here with my other children, husband , family and friends will never end. The boy who taught me how to love has left me and I can never again hold his hand, hear his laugh, smell his neck or see his lazy fanny sleeping on my couch til mid afternoon. Somehow I have to find a way to live with that.

    It's been 5 weeks and 1 day and still feels as raw as if it were the moment I watched them call my son's time of death.....in complete hysteria and disbelief I might add. I wander about the house with little enthusiasm and even less interest in much of anything.

    I find myself reading extensively about spirituality and the afterlife ........a real reach for lifer in the concept of atheism. Ive never believed in a biblical god but always wanted to believe there was more than just this life we experience in the here and now. All of my life Ive been somewhat of a cynical skeptic always wanting to avoid being duped or suckered , if you will. I still cant sink my teeth into the one god deal.......some guy that looks like you or me sitting in some celestial kingdom with the power to affect all of our lives, occasionally wandering amongst those who have passed and offering some type of pat on the head. I dunno that's the way Ive always imagined the religious concept of god. I CAN however, totally accept the idea that we are, as humans, an energy that exists inside a human shell and that energy exists on both the human and spiritual realm. When the physical body dies , the spirit lives on, not in heaven but right here on this plane in which we ourselves exist. Just because we cannot experience them with our basic 5 senses ( or can we) , it does not mean they do not exist. We dont see microwaves, x-rays etc and we cannot hear certain sounds but they do in fact exist.If there is a percentage of a percentage of a chance that my son is somehow alive in some form , I will take it and the risk of being suckered is not worth considering. The risk of possibly not experiencing my child or missing something he wants to tell me, far outweighs any concern of pride or ego. I am not looking to god for support or help as I truly believe after a lifetime of dismissing such a thing and now in my darkest moments asking for guidance would be nothing less than the worst form of hypocrite. I believed and still believe in my son, I trust/trusted his word, I respect/respected his opinion and if , in this time, there is a way for him to show me what Ive been missing, he will. I will believe in him and I will be a good student to whatever he wants to teach me. So all of your prayers and energies were definitely not wasted.

    This wasn't meant to be a religious dissertation or a mini thesis on new age metaphysical theory, but simply an explanation of what gets me through these days. Right now my survival is based on this acceptance and belief. It is also not meant to spark a religious debate as we all know religion and politics do mix in a social setting.

    and so it goes.......


  5. Sorry to hijack your thread for a moment, Misa, but..... Hey, Andrea! How are you doing? Just want you to know you've been in our thoughts and prayers.



    Hi Krikit,

    I'm doing ok for the moment but that seems to be an hour by hour kinda thing. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers more than you all realize......thank you.


  6. Good Luck Misa!!

    Tonight when you're wringing your hands and pacing, ask yourself; is there anything I can do at this point ? You've done your homework , youve prepared ( extensively Im willing to bet ) and now worrying about the " what ifs" is only going to bring you grief. Remind yourself that whatever will be, will be and you're smart enough , educated enough and resilient enough to find the solutions if the need arises. Use the energy you have toward positive thought.

    All the best Chica!


  7. It is during times like these, when life is the worst you could ever imagine it becoming, when the reality of human kindness and true compassion becomes undeniably apparent. The generosity of heart you have all shown us leaves me without words to fully express my gratitude and amazement.

    For me, the future holds a lot of unknowns. The sky will never be as blue and no sound will ever be sweet enough to equal that of my beautiful sons voice but my heart will know that there is real love and kindness in this world...........each of you has proven that. You display the true meaning of the term "family".

    I keep thinking that this is some horrific nightmare like in "It's a Wonderful Life" and if I could only learn what I'm supposed to learn from this I could go back and my precious boy would be standing in the kitchen drinking his beloved " Arnold Palmer " ( half iced tea half lemonade).

    Thank you all for the kind words, prayers, condolences, support, tears and for taking a few moments to "meet" my son. It will never be forgotten.


  8. Sorry I havent been posting , keeping up with the timeline or offering congrats as of late..........

    2 weeks ago today my beautiful son died as a result of a horrible accident that I dont care to detail....he was 21 years old.....my oldest......life has been a roller coaster ride these past 2 weeks........no joy and I keep hoping I will soon wake from this nightmare. this cant be real..

    I dont bring this to the board for attention or with the hopes of gathering condolences........but simply because i want to share my son's life ......all 663,729,725 seconds of his beautiful existence. Initially I chose to keep my grief and story to myself but it feels necessary to share my beautiful boy. The only peace I find these days is to talk about him........I loved him so. I spent today making a website in memory of my son.....I'd like to share it and him with you all


    ive tried to read along here, sadly our journey has to continue....but i dont know what to do next.

    my husband has been incredible......without him I cant imagine i'd be here typing. he feeds me when its time to eat.......puts me to bed. he has a long struggle to go through with me as i dont know if recovery is possible once a person has their heart ripped from their chest. he may need your help and patience as the days go on as I struggle to focus on this immigration stupidity.......he's totally lost

    to the admins.........please dont move this topic........the Canada forum is like an extended family/friends network and I really only want to share with them at this point~ty

  9. my husband had his police check done by the MP's........he got 2 copies. It met all the criterea and Montreal accepted it for the k-3 but the NVC sent an RFE. Not sure what to do now. We really dont wanna wait for the Ottawa delay......thinking/wondering if hopping over to London or Windsor might be a better plan for getting a quicker result. HOWEVER......the RFE says former resident's can only get the Ottwaw issued copy but Im not sure if it applies here or not :wacko:

  10. Hi Liz,

    The elusive word doc! How does one get ones hands on this document? I have seen it a couple of times on this thread, but it doesn't open correctly for me normally.

    well, you could PM someone and ask them to email it to you...

    Might wanna wait til it gets updated first cuz it's been a while

    Last I checked there wasnt a lot of new info to add to the timeline.........no new interviews and such.Ive been a bit busy planning my hubby's surprise 40th b-day party for this past Saturday ( went off without a hitch :D ) and we're still entertaining out of town guests( so little time for being on the puter). Unless someone knows something that I dont regarding timeline info.......if it's ok with everyone I'll wait a few days to scour over the VJ timelines and see what can be added.

    Trailmix , if you havent gotten it emailed to you already just PM me an email addy and I'll send you the last word I made.

    ........and for those who dont know.......this particular word doc is for k visas waiting in Montreal. Since the NVC is responsible for the timeline pace of the CR-1's it didnt seem logical to me to compare that visa with the k's.......oh and I left Van out of the comparison as well .......thats just pouring salt on a wound ;)

  11. wasnt a shotgun weddin' was it ;) lol just kiddin' .....guns and all ...well ya know...........ANYway........Hope your day was perfectly splediferous!!!!! Congrats!

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