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Jash n Ginger

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Local Office
    Oakland Park FL
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  • Our Story
    We met during my vacation in Ocho Rio's Jamaica October 2011. He flirted with me every time we ran into one another. I was flattered by his good looks and charm, but seriously he lived in Jamaica and I from the U.S. and I was not interested in a vacation fling and I was definitely not going to have any parts of a long distance let on international relationship. So I did my best to ignore his approaches but he just would not give up so I said okay to a night out we visited a local lounge. Where we talked the night away. It was like we knew one another forever. Next thing I knew we I was giving him my phone number he promised to call and I was committing to return to Jamaica very soon. The next day I left for home By the time I reached the plane I felt as though I was leaving behind a part of me. Reached home awaiting a call. No call for three days. Day four I decided to go back to my life as it was before Jamaica, and that evening when I reached home my phone rang and it was him.... My stomach flipped, we talked for hours like we were in the same country by the end of the month we were in love, total soul mates. I returned to Jamaica that December and we had the most romantic 11 days of our lives. It's coming to our forth anniversary, this coming December the visits are becoming just not enough and are ready to spend the rest of our lives together. So its on to the paper work and God willing we will be together and saying I do by March 2016.

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