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About Bunnyqr

  • Birthday 05/04/1970

Profile Information

  • City
    Brooklyn, New York

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    May 23, 2005 I went to Mykonos for vacation and met Andreas my first day there.
    We spent the whole week together, talking every night after he finished work at a local hotel.
    May 30, 2005 I flew back home to New York. Andreas started calling me May 31, 2005.
    June 2005 and the entire summer we talked on the phone, every night. We made plans for Andreas to come to New York and visit me in September.
    The Athens Embassy denied Andreas his travel visa since he told them he was coming to New York to visit his girlfriend. This raised a flag and they wouldn't allow him to visit.
    October 2005 I flew to Athens to see Andreas and meet his family.
    Seeing him again confirmed our feelings for each other which grew more and more over the summer.
    January 2006 I spent an entire month with Andreas and his family. January 29th Andreas proposed marriage. It was a perfect proposal.
    February 2006 we start gathering our paperwork. It took one month to finish.
    March 21, 2006 I sent the K1 visa paperwork.
    March 23, 2006 check is cashed.
    NOA1 received.
    April 22, 2006 I received an email from immigration that they need additional information and a notice has been mailed.
    April 28, 2006 received RFE. Andreas' divorce papers were the petition for divorce not the final divorce decree. Immigration needs the final decree from the courts and the certificate of divorce from Mitropolis. Along with English translations, copies of back and front of all forms. Andreas has the court documents now needs to go to Mitropolis for certificate. We have until July 17th to get all this paperwork to the Vermont office.
    We did not make our dead line of July 17th for the divorce decrees. I haven't received them from Andreas. (Lost in the mail)? Asked him to resend copies, I will have them translated here.
    July 14th sent a request to Vermont to grant us an extension. August we get the extension for additional 3 months.
    September went to Greece for 2 week vacation.
    October 21 Andreas gets all the RFE papers in his hands. Mailed October 27 via courier.
    The number 23 is a common number theme with us. We also met for the very first time May 23, 2005

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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