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  1. I am just confused because what is the purpose of form i-134? Why does it exist? Also why does it ask who is paying for your trip on the DS-160? I feel like if someone us expected to pay for their own trip these things should not exist. He’s not desperate to come here, he would just like to visit us here as a tourist and experience American culture as well as visit us. It is no different than me wanting to visit any of my relatives (either domestically or abroad). It really is not an unreasonable request. If he were a student in a Western European country with the same amount of money he would be able to come here without any issues.
  2. How do you send documents with the application? I do not see a way to do that with the application.
  3. I follow what you’re saying but the truth is he was not even given a chance to prove ties to his home country. I am happy to keep trying as many times as needed to help him get his visa.
  4. It was the Tbilisi, Georgia embassy. He applied there 1.5 months ago. I have not filed an i130 for him.
  5. I’d rather not say just to keep things anonymous. May I write you a private message?
  6. Hi so my brother-in-law is in his early 20’s and just had a tourist visa denial. He’s a university student. They gave him the generic denial letter that he did not demonstrate strong ties to his home country. The interview maybe lasted 2 minutes and he was only asked about who his sister is (my wife), where he is going, purpose of his trip and where he’ll stay. None of the documents he brought with him were looked at. On the application he was given a choice of being either a student or to be employed. At the moment he is a full-time student but also works. On the visa application it does not give you the option to put that you’re a student and work as well (you have to choose between them) so chose to put that he works. He makes about $300 a month, but as I said, he’s a student. We want to re-apply but have him say that he’s a student, but a salary in the salary area and that I will sponsor him (I make more than enough to be able to sponsor him). I’ve read mixed reviews about going the sponsorship route. What do people think about applying for the visa this way? I know they want to see ties to your home country but I noticed on the application it does not ask you if you own a house, car, etc. Likewise given the brevity of the interview and the lack of questions I do not feel he was given a chance to prove himself to the consular officer. Would love to hear any advice people have as well as their own experiences.
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