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  • Gender
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    Green Bay
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. Ok, I wasn’t quite sure, but the F2A certainly looks to be the better option. Thank you for all of the information.
  2. Thank you for the reply. Yes, my wife is a citizen, though we hadn’t updated here. I was hoping there was something I was missing regarding her minor brothers. Regarding the filing options, is there any difference in processing times between my wife filing the I-130 for her brothers as compared to her mother filing for them as a permanent resident? Thanks.
  3. Hi all. It's been a while since I have asked a question here. We are in the process of filing an I-130 for my wife's mother and her minor siblings who are 14 year old twins. I've searched here and online in general, and haven't found anything specifically related, or just simply ambiguous information on filing. From the I-130 instructions, it appears that we are to file an I-130 (and pay fee) for each person, as it appears that minor siblings are not considered derivative beneficiaries. Being minor children, does it change how they are processed, as in are they processed along with the mother's I-130? It would only make sense that minor children would be processed and travel at the same time, but few things the government does seem make much sense, especially when it comes to legal immigration. Can anyone offer any input or experience with this situation and/or any suggestions on how best to proceed? We are hoping to file by the end of the year or sooner if possible. Thank you. Pat
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