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Posts posted by achatogr

  1. The exact same thing happened to us. I submitted my IV and AOS documents together in May 2015 electronically. They only processed my IV fee in July and I completed the DS-260 August 1, 2015. By September 1, 2015, no one had reviewed anything and that was all that was needed for a CC. We spoke to a supervisor by the name of Molly in the first week of September and within a week of speaking to her, our case was complete and I had my interview 5 weeks later. It's frustrating that they take so long for something so simple - they never stick to the timelines they give themselves.

    I'm not sure if you'll have the answer, but it sounds like you might have the answer I am looking for right now. When you call NVC, the first level people you talk to always give the generic "wait x amount of days" answer. I can then ask to talk to a supervisor, correct? Can I ask to also talk to "Molly" or should I befriend the random supervisor they forward me toward? What words do I use to ask that? Should I ask to "Talk to the supervisor who is possibly reviewing my case?"

    I just want to know what I should say and ask to get to the right person higher up than 1st level people. I've talked to 1st level people and they're very nice but I just want to know more of what is going on.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Pure luck! <_< Some reviewers and supervisors are faster than others. If you're lucky and get a good and efficient reviewer/supervisor, you get cc faster. If you're unlucky, you have to wait. Also, some people get expedited for various reasons.

    I'd like to tell you to be patient and hang in there, you'll get cc soon but after being on supervisor review for 77 days, I know that's not always how it works.

    Sorry to post to an old thread, but it sounds like you might have the answer I am looking for right now. When you call NVC, the first level people you talk to always give the generic "wait 30 days" answer. I can then ask to talk to a supervisor, correct? What words do I use to ask that? Should I ask to "Talk to the supervisor who is possibly reviewing my case?" I just want to know what I need to say and ask to get to the right person higher up than 1st level people.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Thank you and good luck to you too!Hope you get news soon!

    I don't know how long you have or other people have been following this thread but I have from the very beginning and let me just say that some people are not in the same situation we are.The law is that way and their cases are treated differently.They know from the start that everything will take 5 months or less for them.

    I had suggested before and plenty people agreed that there should be a different group for people from countries that get expedited.Comparing your case to theirs will only get you disappointed in the long run if you expect to get the results they did.

    Oh i had no idea some countries get expedited. I have a better understanding of what you are saying now. Fortunately September should be a good month for us and we can start living our lives soon. Sincerely hope for a quick and easy resolution so you can be with your husband.

  4. How exactly is this process tedious to you or making you impatient when you got everything done in 5 months?

    You should appreciate the fact that you can be with your spouse so soon and not complain.This is disrespectful to the rest of us that have waited as long as you have and are not even half way there.

    I'm speaking for myself here but I don't understand what kind of reason or thinking would lead you to post comments like this.

    I believe people are just trying to be encouraging because they are or were in our shoes not long ago. Just trying to update so we know that they received news and so will we. It's helpful because USCIS doesn't give us any info until they've made a decision or they need more information and seeing peoples updates give us an idea of where they are at and that progress is being made. Knowing how much this sucks makes me happy for the people who are close to being done.

    Best of luck with your case and hope it is all resolved ASAP!

  5. I was approved yesterday !!! P.D Feb 27th. Although am a Feb filer but since I filed at the end of Feb I also merge with March filers. About few days ago, I read someone say he/she called USCIS and asked to speak to an immigration officer so I told my hubby about it. So he decided to call them yesterday, he initially spoke to the USCIS customer service representative who told us they are processing Jan 13th files in TSC and said we should be patient as usual but insisted he wanted to speak to an immigration officer. She asked for all our informations and said we should give them 45days to make a decision. When he told me 45days, I busted into tears for hours. I didn't understand why I should wait another 45days when we were about to clock 6months next week. This morning my husband was just talking to me on the phone and decided check our status online, he couldn't believe the approval notice was yesterday 20th of Aug. and he had to re check the receipt number again if it was correct. Behold it was our approval we haven't gotten any email or text msg. To those waiting for their approval ur testimony will come like it did for us. Be strong, patient they will get to ur case.

    Congratulations! Best of luck with the future steps and processing.

  6. So I just received my NOA2 thru email and double checked on myuscis! Approved!! My Priority date: March 18, and approved today August 10, a little under 5 months at Nebraska Service Center. God is good. My advice: continue being patient, and keeping busy, and staying positive, and maintaining communication with your spouse as well as your service center.

    Congratulations! Also, thank you for thank updating us because this give me hope and makes me feel less worried and stressed about the wait. I dont know you, but I am very happy and excited for you!

  7. Ours is April 6 :(

    We have filed for an expedite over 2 months ago also filed a request for an answer and we was told that it's in line for an officer to review and to wait 60days... Well now we are only a month away from it being 6 month mark.

    Really hope there's some good news soon though. All this back and forth visiting is costing a whole lot of money and the heart break everytime I have to leave him :(

    Mine is April 6th as well. Sep 6th will be the 5 month mark for us so we still have time! It looks like people are hearing back at their 5 month mark or a few days later. We are still within the normal time so hang in there! Every day is one day closer to this being over :)

  8. Guy come on, I don't think that the persons in January and February filer 2015 would be crazy to be posting false information . I checked again and they gave the dates when they received NOA1, NOA2 and also the date NVC received case and all the dates were dated under 2015. I'm keeping a positive mind and I'm also getting the feeling that it won't be long. Can someone please tell me how to post under someone comment . I'm new and I'm still trying to familiarize myself with this site. Thanks

    You just click on "Quote"

  9. Good morning,

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am confused because as well as many others i saw that the Nebraska Service Center has January 24th 2014 app as the last app the processed back in May 2015. My wife who is the U.S. citizen called and they told her they were backed up on applications over a year. Are they lying or was this a mistake?

    I saw some people said that March applicants are already getting news, so I'm confused. Does anybody have more information.

    I am so glad I finally found this group because I had been searching for several months. I have my wife, but we both need to talk to someone else who knows what we are going through.

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