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    Los Angeles
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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
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  1. Yes, masked just means it redacts/hides sensitive identity-related info. I've sent in unmasked versions before because they already have access to just about everything related to our identity so I figure why send a masked version LOL Thank you all for the feedback on this one!
  2. I did download them but those online copies are the masked version and when we did our previous filings that asked for tax transcripts, I used unmasked versions. Wasn't sure if that would raise an eyebrow on their end.
  3. Hi everyone! Preparing to file the N-400 Online and I had a quick question... For those who recently filed the N-400 Online, did the online application ask you to upload/submit tax transcripts? I'm asking because I have to wait a couple weeks to get the transcripts and I'd rather not have to wait to file the N-400 Online if I can file without the need of the transcripts right now. Not sure if the tax transcripts requirement is based on whether you are filing under the 3 year / 5 year rule... If it matters, we've been married 8 years now so we're way past the 5 year rule 🙂 Thanks in advance for your feedback!
  4. Hi, if I may ask... If you are still married and it's been way more than 5 years already, wouldn't the "apply under the 5 year rule" automatically be a given? Or is this something you still have to select or choose when you do file the N-400 online?
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