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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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  1. I am, I forgot to mention this is for an uncle. Did not think someone was going to go through my post and call me out on it.
  2. Came from Mexico and crossed the border (through the desert).
  3. Came to the USA at age 14 in 1998, and have been here since then. I came with an uncle not really knowing where we were going since parents and grandparents could not take care of me. I got married with a US citizen in 2009 and have been married since then. I need guidance in what to do to make the process easier since learning that I might have to leave the country is freaking me out. I have four children who I am a stay at home father to and a kid with disabilities which requires my attention. I need to learn what past laws can protect me since I came here at a young age without having truly a choice. Please help, I need to help my wife in work and such since everything is expensive. Thank you, have a great day. Came from Mexico
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