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    New Jersey

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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Newark NJ
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. Hello everyone, it's been a while but was wondering if anyone is still waiting to be approved. It's been almost 2 years of filing and no other movement after biometrics used back in Jan 2023
  2. Congratulations!, I hope we all get some unexpected news like that soon
  3. When I filed my ROC in Dec 2022 I received my extension letter for only 24 months and it will expire this Dec, will I be getting another extension if my case is not approved by then?
  4. Congratulations! I've seen a few Dec filers been approved in the last couple of weeks....hopefully we all get approved soon.
  5. Has anyone checked on case status? I was checking and noticed a couple of Dec filers that have been approved and a few that have been moved to other offices within the last week, fingers crossed that we get approved soon.
  6. Hi, wondering if anyone else uses checkstatusetx.com and is from EAC? I was looking yesterday and noticed a couple of Dec filers that have been approved after beeing moved to another office, hopefully it keeps going like that....fingers crossed.
  7. Thanks and no worries! Congratulations again, I wish my office would be moving too, mine I think is Vermont EAC
  8. Congratulations, what office was your case at?
  9. I've seen some filers from July 2022 being approved without interview, hopefully it will be moving for all of us
  10. Congratulations, this gives us all hope
  11. Congrats again, now to enjoy this weekend
  12. I hope I'm lucky like that and don't get an interview, I did have the one for aos
  13. Congratulations! Did you had an interview?
  14. I don't even know, I'm really so confused with all of this as I was not expecting this from him, it came out of the blue
  15. Nothing has been filed yet as of a divorce, I just want to be prepared in case there's no way of saving the marriage
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