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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
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  1. Thanks for your help. I will send it by FedEx next week. I appreciate you!
  2. Did you put a value on the FedEx form where it asks if there is a value? Perhaps that was my downfall.
  3. Yes, I have already considered taking the day to drive across the border to Brockville Ontario. We live 3.5 hours from there. I just hoped that I could find out what other Canadians do who cannot fly or drive back to Canada. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you!
  4. I am currently preparing my second renewal application for my Canadian passport. The first time I used FedEx, I ended up paying 90 dollars EXTRA to FedEx Canada once my FedEx envelope reached Montreal. So, in the end, the cost to send it was over 150, as well as the required fee for the renewal. Could you let me know if anyone else has had this issue using FedEx? I know there is a customs fee but I read that it is minimal if one is charged at all. And if you have sent your renewal with FedEx successfully, how do you fill out the paperwork for FedEx i.e. do you put an amount that the package is worth? I also think the Customs Form asks for this information as well? Any help would be so greatly appreciated from a Canadian living in the USA who has renewed their passport.
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