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Ban Hammer

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Everything posted by Ban Hammer

  1. as this is a dead thread, it is now locked. should one have questions pertaining to their specific circumstances, please start a new thread instead of hijacking an old thread.
  2. old thread locked. if one has questions, please start a new thread.
  3. and one way to solve a massive imbalance of men to women is to have a war.........
  4. translation: blah blah blah, mumbling about an imaginary status.
  5. HONOLULU (AP) — Ken Potts, one of the last two remaining survivors of the USS Arizona battleship, which sank during the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, has died. He was 102. Howard Kenton Potts died Friday at the home in Provo, Utah, that he shared with his wife of 66 years, according to Randy Stratton, whose late father, Donald Stratton, was Potts' Arizona shipmate and close friend. ......the only remaining survivor from the Arizona is now Lou Conter, who is 101 and living in California. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/04/22/ken-potts-one-of-last-2-uss-arizona-survivors-dies-102.html
  6. don't make the wife mad and you won't have to sleep in the doghouse.
  7. in reference to my earlier post above, even fox news picked it up https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trans-tiktokers-eerie-viral-comment-raises-concern-social-media-threatening-womens-safety
  8. and here in leavenworth kansas, someone who identifies as a "woman" has created quite a stir on tik tok for making threats towards anyone who stops him from using the woman's bathroom. "she" is apparently a former firefighter......
  9. do you know what the worst thing is that a dentist can say to a liberal patient? "you have straight white teeth"
  10. sounds like biden is running iran too.
  11. old thread locked. if one has further questions on this subject, start a new thread in the appropriate forum.
  12. how dare el salvador take steps to prevent future democrat voters from getting here.
  13. the old ones have a good use - led's interfere with garage door openers.
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