my thoughts, as a conceal carry holder.
- whether the guy was shot in the back or not does not matter, he was in the middle of armed robbery. nothing says the conceal carry holder has to shoot the perpetrator in the front
or give the perpetrator fair warning so he turns around. "fair fight" does not play into this one bit.
- the shots fired after the threat was down and neutralized could well lead to charges. the general rule of thumb is to shoot until the thread is neutralized and then cease fire. rapid fire
is not an issue here - neutralizing the threat is, and plenty of hot lead to the torso tends to make that happen. if the perpetrator is reaching for the firearm after he (or she) is horizontal
on the floor after being hit by "freedom seeds", then further appropriate action should be taken to neutralize that threat - by grabbing his firearm if safely able to, or by more shots.
- in summary, actions taken by the conceal carry holder should always be taken with with the mind that they may need to be defended in court. i'm not seeing the shots after the
perpetrator was neutralized as being needed.
note - a head shot means no reloading