sounds about right. my washer, dryer, and refrigerator are from 2002. i've heard many horror stories with smart appliances costing so much to repair that it's cheaper to just buy a new one, and the repairs come way too soon to make them worthwhile.
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i remember seeing that issue all the way back to the early 80's. if the amount allocated is not spent, then the amount spent is most likely to be reduced from the next year's budget. there is very little incentive in this to spend money wisely.
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given the lack of additional information, the best way forward for the OP would be from the following advice:
do not restart this thread or reference it in another thread under penalty of admin action.
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oh it gets better. that gal was married
be careful out there, some of them rubias are deadly
i can empathize with the mini chimp not feeling well. over the weekend i had a bad cold, from friday through monday.
my nose ran like niagra falls for 3 days and it felt like i had shin splints all over my body.
after going through almost 3 rolls of angel soft mega rolls (cheaper than kleenex!) i finally got better.