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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • City
    San Diego
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    San Diego CA
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  • Our Story
    We met on Omegle on October the 9th 2013 when we got connected for both liking movies and books, we talked for hours without wanting to disconnect then we decided to keep in touch. He became my best friend and we used to stay up texting until 6am, time never seemed to be enough. We just simply fell in love, that kind of love that people read and dream about; the type of connection we have is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. We've been through hard times, fighting, disagreeing and being mad at each other because honestly... how hard is it to be in a long distance relationship? but every time after arguing, we just cannot stay upset with each other and that has built our beautiful relationship, growing stronger and closer.

    Anyways, we finally met in person on August 30th 2014 being a little scared that maybe our amazing connection online would not translate well into a living conversation. He came to visit me while I was living in Honduras and I picked him up at the airport, as soon as I saw him coming out of those doors carrying his suitcase and wearing a white shirt with a heart made of jelly printed on the left side (I was wearing a heart made of peanut butter... silly idea we had) all the doubts and nervousness went away and I felt even more in love... we grinned at each other and it's like everything fell into place. No awkwardness, no weirdness; the connection was more delicious in person and we both could feel it. We spent the most amazing 2 weeks in a touristic place in Honduras called Ruinas de Copan; sometimes we'd go out hiking, visit all the historical places, walk into a new craft shop and discuss anything that seemed interesting, look a new restaurant to visit on TripAdvisor or simply... stay in bed, watch movies, invent new crazy ways to make food in our hotel room and talk and talk and talk for hours. It was honestly the best time of my life. When he left, I didn't know how to return to my normal routine without him and his silly jokes or smart remarks and lectures about what an oxymoron, among so many other things, is (he's so intelligent) but I managed.

    Even before we met in person, we knew that this was not just a fleeting relationship, we knew that we had found gold by mere chance but officially got engaged in December 2014... He's the love of my life and the most amazing person I've ever met.

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