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    Adjustment of Status (approved)
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  1. Yes, so all the children are his. I do have a limited license legal technician I'm going to be retaining to sit in on our mediation and file the parenting plan/divorce paperwork. I guess I'm wondering if there's a document that outlines exactly what the Affidavit requires so that I can bring it to the mediation. For example, if I am going to be living in our family home for the next 6 months, I'm guessing he would still be required to provide me housing and food while still a permanent resident? Any insight is helpful. Thanks
  2. Hi all, My USC husband and I (a permanent resident from Canada) have three young kiddos (6,3,13mths) and he has left our family (rented) home. He was the one to sign the Affidavit of Support. We’ve been married for 7 years, he is unwilling to work on the marriage anymore (although this has been very seldom anyways) and he wants a divorce (hoping to go through a mediator later on). I am currently a stay at home mom as the primary caregiver and try to work on my bookkeeping business when I can. We are in Washington State which is a community property state and have approx. $20,000 in debt (although the creditors are going after him since the cards were in his name). If I stay in the US instead of returning to Canada (and hopefully being able to bring my kids with me), is he required to pay my portion of the debt also or what are the limitations of the Affidavit? Thanks
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