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About Kyrie

  • Birthday 03/04/1961

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Met online in October of 2001. Spent the next 3 months emailing, Im'ing and on the telephone with each other. January 11, 2002 we met in person when my sweetie came to Canada to visit me and my 2 children. We knew at that time that we would be together forever after the first real live meeting. I went down in May of 2002 and he proposed to me in the City of Chicago on the Lakefront of Lake Michigan. It was very romantic. Since our engagement we have visited about every 3 months alternately. Although he generally come to visit us here as it is cheaper to fly one person than 3. We were not sure of the process at first to get me over there and had tried to see if we could just have me come over for a regular visit and then we were going to get married. We thought it wouldnt be a problem and then just to the required paper work after we got married. So I left my home in Canada and headed on a Greyhound bus trip to Chicago. We got to the POE in North Dakota but me and the kids were denied entry. I guess they suspected that I might not be planning on returning home. So being so broken hearted and distraught I had to head back home to Canada. We got in touch with an Immigration Lawyer and are filing the proper papers to do this right. :D

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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