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General Buhari

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  1. Greetings and salutations dear good people. I live abroad with my Wife whom I’m petitioning for thus I won’t have a U.S. address until we arrive stateside. We intend to arrive at the U.S. and stay at an AirBnB until we get suitable accommodations. I cannot bypass this question so how do I proceed? Thanks for your time.
  2. Thanks. I emailed them but they responded with an FAQ that doesn’t touch on DCF. Thanks.
  3. Greetings good people. My reference that I’m following is from this page https://www.ustraveldocs.com/ng/ng-iv-visaapplyinfo.html So far I know I need to fill out the I-130 and G-325a. I’m not sure if I need to prove extra circumstance but I do have a physicians letter recommending that I travel abroad for better care after a spinal cord injury. Here are two questions right off the bat. 1) Do I need to ask permission before I go and submit at the embassy? I read that you have to get permission in some countries but I didn’t see anything on the playbook I’m following. 2) The only G-325a I found has “Deffered Action” written on it. Is this still good? Thank you for your valuable time.
  4. Thanks everyone for your responses. I’ll open a thread in the DCF forum for further questions.
  5. Thank you. We did and have all that but was never looked at. I can't do DCF because I don't have the energy or time. Travelling to the embassy was a hardship as it is. I've opened another thread asking the good people on here for easier countries to travel to for good urgent care.
  6. She was not given any opportunity to explain and was only asked two questions, what her name was and where she worked. Thanks.
  7. Greetings. I thought I should ask here because we’re a mixed bag. I’m an American citizen who resides in Nigeria and I was injured in a car accident in Nigeria and damaged my spinal cord. I’ve had emergency surgery there and my doctors recommended I travel abroad for advanced rehabilitation to treat paraplegia. My wife who is my primary care provider was denied a tourist visa to assist in getting me to the USA. What other country can I try to go to for getting good care? I only know the USA having lived there for 33 years. Thanks.
  8. Thank you, this is exactly it. The VO never gave her an opportunity to explain.
  9. The most pressing thing is to get me to the USA. She wouldn’t have overstated. In any case she didn’t even get a chance to explain. She was asked only two questions and denied immediately without even looking at any documents. 1)?Whats your name and 2) what do you do for a living. I understand it’s a privilege and not a right but I still can’t shake off the feeling of being let down by my government. Thanks.
  10. I’m not sure where you’re getting the work from. But thanks for your input.
  11. I was able to secure an emergency appointment.
  12. Thank you. A username from almost a decade.
  13. Greetings and salutations. I am an American Citizen that retired to Nigeria four years ago. Unfortunately I was involved in a car accident that rendered me paraplegic. My Nigerian Physician wrote a letter to the embassy in Lagos requesting that I travel to the USA for advanced therapy. My wife is my primary care provider because I can not function as a recent paraplegic. So she applied for a tourist visa to accompany me to the USA for my treatment. Lo and behold a Visa Officer in Lagos denied her visa application without even looking at all my medical documentation. She recommends that she applies for a spousal visa. First, time is of the essence and I don't have the time it takes to do a spousal visa due to my situation. Second, we do not wish to live in the USA and see applying for a spousal visa as a waste of time and resource. What are my choices and line of action? Thank you very much.
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