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About JAmericangirl

  • Birthday February 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Las Vegas
  • State
  • Interests
    Love to travel, have a very long list of places I want to visit. Can't wait to finally have my soulmate here with me to do this. Also enjoy sports and movies

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Las Vegas NV
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Oh my where to start.... I met Tony on my very first trip to Jamaica, January 2010. Went with my cousin for my birthday and was NOT looking for a relationship.. I was taking pictures at the resort we were staying in and all of a sudden I hear from up the drive " You can take my picture anytime " I turn and look up the drive and reply " well strike a pose then ". He did, and the rest is history........ We talk ALL the time and I am losing track of the number of trips I have made to Jamaica to see him. We have also taken a trip to Barbados together as well as an upcoming trip to Trinidad and Tobago that we are very much looking forward to.

    We first started talking about marriage and wanting to spend our lives together 9 months after we met. In January 2011, on a trip there he told me he wanted to marry me. In March of 2012 we filed our " first " K1 petition.

    Long story short, We got approved and had interview date set for January 2013. We did not make the interview nor any subsequent ones that were scheduled. Needless to say I had a problem with that and in July 2013 I told him I was going home and moving on with my life. We would talk every once in while but it was not like before. I love this man with all that I am and I was heartbroken.

    In August of 2013 I lost my dad and in January 2014 he lost his. In February we began talking more frequently and I agreed to come out and see him at the end of the month. I was very bitter and still hurt from all that had transpired over the past year. Anyway, I spent 5 days there and we did a LOT of talking. He told me that he loved me, never stopped loving me, and that it was NEVER over between us for him. We started talking more and more and I visited again, this time for a week, as my friends were getting married. During this time I realized, not that I didn't already know, I didn't want to live without this man in my life, and he was working very hard at redeeming himself.. LOL Could I? Yes, Did I want to? NO!!!!!!! They say it's not who you can live with, but who you can't live without!
    On January 31, 2015, 5 years almost to the day from when we first met, on the secluded little beach of Monkey Island near the Blue Lagoon, he wrote in the sand " I LOVE YOU, MARRY ME? "
    I said yes, and here we are again!!!!!!!!!!! Everything happens for a reason and in its due time. I don't know why things happened the way they did but I do know that we are even stronger, more connected (if that's possible), and deeper in love than ever before. I cannot wait to get him here to the states so we can witness life together....

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