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Posts posted by ljrdali

  1. So, my fiance and I have a complicated case. He is a Syrian refugee, but we live together in Jordan. He also does not have a passport (but can be issued a travel document). We were unable to do the medical exam because he didn't have a passport. Our interview was yesterday, and everything seemed to go well. they asked a few questions about where we met, etc. Then they said they understood he doesn't have a passport and needs to do his medical exam. They said they would schedule the exam with the doctor and we just had to turn in the exam when it was done.

    Does that mean he will be approved if his medical exam is passed?

    They would have told us he was ineligible for the visa at the interview, right? And wouldn't make him do his medical exam?

    We are confused and unsure what exactly is going on - but we think its a good sign...

    Any thoughts/similar experiences with this?

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