When we filed our I-129F Fiancee' visa petition, we had no idea how long the wait would be, with Soogyeong in Korea and Me in the States. I spent at least 2+ hours every night packing data-mined information purchased through Immifairy into an Excel Spreadsheet. I was trying to calculate WHEN we would get approval. My spreadsheet grew to over 23 thousand lines, but eventually I could detect a pattern when I zoomed back and looked at the entire file. I missed my best guess by 3 days. However, all that effort didn't speed up the process by even 1 minute. We lived in Virginia for 18 months, and then moved West toward the setting sun. If we keep this up long enough, moving west every couple of years,eventually we may find ourselves livin in South Korea and I'LL be the one with the Resident Alien Card. Time will tell. We are Happy Together.