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Posts posted by cybria

  1. This question is actually for a friend of mine who was born in Cameroon. Fifteen years ago, her father got a job here and his employer sponsored him along with his family to come to the states. The dad decided that the fast paced life here wasn't for him, so he returned to Cameroon. However my friend decided to stay here since she had reached adulthood. So she's actually lived here since she was fifteen, but accordiing to her the only option she has for becoming a U.S citizen is to marry another citizen. Is that correct? I would think she would have the option to become a citizen once she's lived here for so long.

  2. Hello all,

    This is not a visa question per say, but I figured I could probably get some input here.

    First off, I haven't posted here in a long while. I first joined when I got married back in 2005 to a Ghanaian citizen, who has since gotten his U.S citizenship. In 2011 I decided it was time for us to part ways. We're now separated and in the midst of a divorce, but we have a seven year old daughter between us named Lilian. Both my ex and Lil have been living in Ghana for the past three years. I recently returned about a month ago, and I'm so glad to be reunited with my little one. I also have a new love of my life, who is also Ghanaian. I'm very happy here since Ghana is my second home, and I'm with my friends and loved ones again on this side of the Atlantic.

    Well originally my plan was to stay in Ghana for a year, then return to California with my daughter. But there are a few things making me reconsider that.

    1. During the week Lilian stays with her grandparents. Grandma works on the University of Ghana campus, and since she's a university employee, Lilian goes to the university primary school. She's very much adjusted to Ghanaian life. I like that she's getting such a good education here and she's learning Ghanaian culture.

    2. Me and my boo are very much in love, and we are seriously thinking about marriage. He's turning 30 this year, he has a business, and though there are a lot of inconvenient aspects of life in Ghana, he wants to stay here and not move to the states. He's not crazy about having to go back to school to do his bachelor's degree over again just to get a decent job. He also heres from his friends in the states that life is hard there right now. I've told him it's not as bad as they claim, but he still seems set on staying in Ghana.

    3. My ex is pretty bitter at me for leaving him, though I had good reason to. He doesn't have any plans of returning to the states, and he shows no signs of wanting to compromise for our daughter's sake. Even though he rubs me like sandpaper, Lilian loves her dad, and I don't know if I could take her to live so far away from him (even if she, say, came back to visit every summer...it might not be enough). On the other hand, I have lived without her for almost three years on just phone cards and letters.

    As much as I love my home state, I still have to consider the other people in my life. I love Ghana very much, but my part of me is still very much in California. What do you think? I might not have included enough detail, so I'd be happy to clarify on anything.

  3. Hello all,

    I am not a regular poster here, but I just wanted to share that my husband had applied for his green card when we first got married. He got an email today that he would be receiving a welcome letter in the mail soon. I am soooo very happy!! He is Ghanaian and living here in the states with me and I am African American. It has been a long time coming and we have been through so many struggles but he finally has his permanent residency!!!! I just wanted to let all of you know that there is always hope and do not give up. Stay strong for each other and you will get through the struggles in due time. We have gone through the storm, and we have come out stronger because of it! (L) Everyone have a wonderful day. :D


  4. My husband and I are applying for his green card. We got into an argument recently and he accused me of starting the argument and jeopardizing his chances for a green card. He says that the immigration dept. has immigrants under survellance (calling the apartment manager to get info on us, microphones, etc.). He usually talks that way and I just said he was being paranoid, but now i wonder if the immigration dept. really does use survellance to see about immigrants and their sponsors?

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