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Everything posted by ralphdarwin

  1. Update got interview appointment at USEM in Manila for Dec 18. Thank goodness that took quicker than expected DQ on Feb 3, 24. Interview confirmation on Oct 14.
  2. Yes you should. That’s how I did mine.
  3. ok so the current income is your estimated income for this year 2024 and it will include all your “income regardless if it’s bonus it will still be income” somebody corrected me on this but with mine I included the bonuses since it is technically an income and still counted on my w2. For the 24a total income it will include your husband’s since you are filing jointly and since he is your co-sponsor meaning household member not a joint sponsor (I was confused with this before but there are bunch of youtube videos I have watched with very good explanations) assuming your husband live with you and you file jointly he is a household member and will fill out I-864A the total income will have to include both your income. Attached both your w2’s and should be good to go also don’t forget the tax transcripts.
  4. my cousin is IR5 but she was DQ’d July 2022 and her interview on USEM is Feb 28. 😪
  5. yeah this portion was really frustrating to me too cos I couldn’t edit it. I have the most recent adobe version and i still couldn’t edit this part same goes with the employer part so I just printed the form and hand filled all the questions. Argh. Wait till you are uploading them hopefully you wouldn’t have any difficulties as i did. 😪
  6. Congratulations that was quick. What is your PD?
  7. Hello all, Im in the process of petitioning my parents I am now in the NVC stage of collecting civil docs and AOS we stumbled upon a problem of getting one of my parents NBI clearance clearing the record will take up to a year or two my question is will it be possible to proceed with processing one of my parent and put the other on hold? What will happen to one of the petition if it comes up to a year of limitation from the NVC? Will it be possible to request extension? And will they process my other parents petition in a timely manner and will not wait for the other to proceed? Thank you all.
  8. Oh no please don’t get me wrong I’m not laughing at your question I am more laughing on my reasoning cos my confusion is through the roof as well and most often than not my reasoning and logic goes ‘which one is more fitting’ 😂 it’s more of a id rather laugh then cry lol
  9. I just selected 1. Yes that is all. They have separate petition so can’t be number two and can’t be three cos one is more fitting lmao i mean you cant choose more than one so 😂
  10. I am really stumped on this might be an easy one to others but it got me all confused, so my husband is going to be my joint sponsor for my parent's I-864 on part 6 number 8 where they asked for the income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size. Do I put my husband's name and income there even if he is going to fill out a different I-864 as a joint sponsor? also this form doesnt allow you to edit and fill up some portions even if you have the most updated adobe. what is the easiest way to upload without having to print and scan all the papers? aghhhhh is it just me? im so frustrated right now lol help please :(
  11. Are we allowed to ask question regarding the affidavit of support on this thread or should move to a different post? I am so confused on a lot of portion but can’t seem to find the answer on any of the post in this site 😐
  12. just received my parents welcome letter via email surprisingly someone is working on holiday.
  13. According to travel.state.gov After USCIS approves your petition, they will transfer your case to the Department of State's National Visa Center (NVC) for pre-processing. The first step in this processing is the creation of your case in our system. Once this is complete, we will send you a Welcome Letter by e-mail or physical mail. With the information in this letter, you can log in to our Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) to check your status, receive messages, and manage your case. at this time we just have to wait for the welcome letter.
  14. You’re very welcome! I think now we wait for the welcome letter. I can’t remember what’s the next step and how much it will cost but pff to google i go. Lmao
  15. I just checked both my parents today it changed to actively being reviewed as of Dec 27 but I checked under docs and it has an approval notice. PD January 27 @ Potomac SC approved Dec 27. This made me happy tho I have two of my friends both parents are still waiting for interview in Philippine Embassy both parents seating at half a year now just waiting for the interview date idk what approval means this days lol
  16. Just checked my parents case my mom’s changed to 3 weeks after they reviewed it on September 1 while my dad’s was reviewed Aug 1 and changed the timeline to another 4 months
  17. Will they still get processed/approved at the same time even if the estimates are two different timeframes? I submitted my parents at the same time too but checking it now and one is two mos while the other is four. 😣
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