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Posts posted by theaperez

  1. I sent the AOS and IV Package in one fedex envelope last 2/12/15 as instructed in the NVC website. I received an email that they received the package last 2/13/15. Today, 2/20/15, I received a checklist stating that they do not have the following:

    FINANCIAL EVIDENCE (Affidavit of Support)





    All of this was on the package I sent them and these are the AOS and IV package. I don't know if this is just a false checklist but I am calling the NVC after work. Did anyone of you received this kind of checklist where they literally request all of the items you just sent?


  2. Hello Everyone,

    We are currently collecting all supporting documents required for the AOS and IV Application. We have collected all required documents except for the UAE Police Clearance. My husband worked in UAE for 3 years from 2009 to 2012 and now living in the Philippines. He has a resident visa in the UAE when he was working there. This is what the NVC website states according to the reciprocity by country (http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/fees/reciprocity-by-country/AE.html):

    Police Records

    Available, only if applicant is physically present in the UAE.

    Police certificates may be obtained by any person, regardless of nationality, by personally appearing at the Central Police Headquarters located in the emirate of residence or former residence. When appearing to request a police certificate, the applicant should provide recent photographs, a letter from the requesting authority, the date of residence in the emirate, and their passport.

    Not available by mail. Post recommends that consular officers waive the general requirement to obtain police certificates unless the applicant lives in the UAE.

    My husband is not currently residing in UAE and they said you need to be physically present to get the police certificate. I've researched and it is not clear as to whether the consul will waive that requirement because he does not live in the UAE anymore or we have to provide the police certificate (which will take some time).

    Please help if you have experienced this issue. We wanted to submit all the required documents to NVC and this one is confusing.

    Thank you.


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