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    K-1 Visa
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  1. I’m saying I’m trying to get her enrolled, eligibility officers saying she is eligible but rate is depended on all of our incomes combined because she is sponsored. So…not free. Would definitely prefer signing her up based on her income which would be free if it is possible
  2. Did someone sponsor you for immigration?
  3. Thanks good news. Can I ask if your experience was in the last few years? Were your parents/in-laws healthcare rates based on your income?. One state administer i spoke with said that under Trump the rules changed so that healthcare is tied to to the sponsors income until the immigrant becomes a citizen. So, even if the immigrant files taxes separately and we don’t claim them as a dependent, the health insurance rate will still be based on the sponsors income for those 5+ years. That total combined income is what’s making our monthly premiums at $1200. We are also waiting for an in person visit (4 week wait) for just the eligibility review to apply. Healthcare.gov application couldn’t move foreword without an in person visit. Oh also this is IR5 visa, so the rules may be different.
  4. Thank you! That was our plan but then i might have confused Medicaid with Medicare and wasn’t sure if there was a 5 year wait. So you’d still have had to wait for your green card and employment authorization to come? Or maybe just the notice of action for green card? We just sent in the $220 for the green card but it says it could be 90 days. Did you do anything to cover yourself during the first few months?
  5. MIL just arrived on parent visa 2 days ago. Trying to figure out health insurance for her.

  6. I understand that parent immigrants (IR5 Visa and Green Card Holders) are not eligible for medicare or the state versions of the affordable care act programs. What are people doing to insure their parents/in-laws or to get healthcare for them? Private market premiums looks to be around $1200/month. We anticipate needing a physical and some follow up related to physical therapy as well as dental care in the first year.
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