5-9-02 Married
5-15-02 I130 Filed NSC
8-2002 Case sent to D.C. "perceived threat to national security"
10-21-03 I129F Filed NBC
2003 I130 Case in D.C. waiting on security clearance
2004 Both cases in D.C.
7-2005 I130 fowarded to Kansas City
10-20-05 Interview in KC
12-20-05 I130 approved and forwarded to NVC
1-12-06 Assign case number
1-23-06 DS3032 mailed from NVC
1-28-06 AOS Fee Mailed to NVC
2-1-06 DS3032 Mailed
2-2-06 DS3032 Entered into system
2-2-06 AOS Money Order cashed
2-6-06 IV Bill Generated
2-13-06 I864 Received
2-17-06 I864 Mailed
2-18-06 IV Bill Received
2-18-06 IV Bill Mailed
3-8-06 DS 230 Mailed
3-9-06 DS 230 Received at NVC
3-20-06 Case Completed
Kuwait Embassy
4-8-06 Emailed embassy to check on packet. Appt. to pick up package scheduled.
4-16-06 Husband went to embassy to pick up material. Told to email embassy once all paperwork was completed to schedule interview.
6-5-06 221g for Fingerprints and updated police certificate from Pakistan. Fingerprints taken 6-12-06. Waiting for ANOTHER security clearance.