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Posts posted by msbello

  1. We've already went down that route. It all boils down to the Notary office who says that they cannot do a certificate stating for all of China for a foreigner. We have tried multiple times and the notary office even called the Guangzhou office to tell them that. The people at the Guangzhou who they talked to said it was alright, but when we submitted the people at the Embassy said no. Realistically, this thing is getting really frustrated. I don't know if it would be possible to have a Congressman or someone like that to intervene. We are just so done.

  2. Hey guys,

    I was just wondering about the Chinese police certificate. A little background about my situation so far. First, I am the American citizen and my fiance is Nigerian, but he is currently working and going to school in China, thus we decided to do our K1 Visa in China. After some time, everything went fine, and then we are at the interview stage. He gets the slip which tells him that the Police Certificate he provided was not correct. Okay, fine. We went back and did everything over and turned everything in, still they say that the certificate is no good. So once more, we go back to the drawing board and try it again. We talked to the people at the Notary office and they tell us that they cannot provide a foreigner with a certificate for all of China, but that is what the embassy is requesting. During one of his visits to the Notary office, my fiance somehow got the Notary office to call the embassy and explain the situation, but still nothing is happening. I've been trying to research this all over the internet and have come up with very little. I did find another link on another website, but that's about it. We are just not sure on what to do next. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

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